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Arr.js: events for the standard array

Arr.js is a “class” inherited from the standard Array . Distinctive features are: the presence of a change event to track any changes in the array, and the methods insert() , update() , remove() , set() , get() for simplified work with the array. All the native methods of the standard Array .

 var fruits = new Arr('apple', 'orange', 'pineapple'); fruits.on('change', function(event) { alert('I changed fruits: ' + fruits.join(', ')); }); fruits.push('banana'); 

Code: Examples of how basic methods work
 var fruits = new Arr('apple', 'orange', 'pineapple'); fruits.get(0); // apple fruits.get(10, 'lime'); // trying to get undefined element - return defaultValue // lime fruits.get(20); // trying to get undefined element // null fruits.set(1, 'nut'); // ['nut', 'orange', 'pineapple'] fruits.insert(['lime', 'banana', 'kivi']); // ['nut', 'orange', 'pineapple', 'lime', 'banana', 'kivi'] fruits.remove(function(item, index) { if (item.indexOf('apple') !== -1) { // remove only items where word "apple" is founded return true; } }); // ['nut', 'orange', 'lime', 'banana', 'kivi'] fruits.update(function(item, index) { if (item.indexOf('nut') !== -1) { // update "nut" to "apple" return 'apple'; } }); // ['apple', 'orange', 'lime', 'banana', 'kivi'] 

Why change event and how to work with them

The presence of an event allows you to do:

One event is supported - change .
 var fruits = new Arr('apple', 'orange', 'pineapple'); fruits.on('change', function(event) { // handler console.log(event); }); fruits.push('banana'); // { "type": "insert", "items": ["banana"] } fruits.remove(function(item) { return item == 'banana'; }); // { "type": "remove", "items": ['banana"] } 

You can understand what happened in the array by passing to the handler object, event . The properties of the event : type object can be: insert , update , remove . The items property lets you know which elements of the array were affected.

Illustrative example

 //         var weatherList = new Arr; //     -   weatherList.on('change', function() { var el = $('#weather'); var celsius, maxCelsius, minCelsius, weather; el.html(''); weatherList.forEach(function(item) { celsius = Math.floor(item.main.temp - 273); maxCelsius = Math.floor(item.main.temp_max - 273); minCelsius = Math.floor(item.main.temp_min - 273); weather = item.weather.pop().main; el.append('<li><b>' + item.name + '</b> ' + ' ' + celsius + ' (max: ' + maxCelsius + ', min: ' + minCelsius + ') ' + weather + '</li>'); }); }); //    ,   weatherList function loadWeather(lat, lng) { $.get('http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/find?lat=' + lat + '&lon=' + lng + '&cnt=10').done(function(data) { // clear weather list weatherList.remove(function() { return true; }); // insert items weatherList.insert(data.list); }); } //    loadWeather(50.4666537, 30.5844519); 

View a working example on JSBin .

In custody

I want to add that the idea is not new, there is github: // MatthewMueller / array . But the code seemed to me too overloaded, which in fact can lead to performance problems. Therefore, it was decided to "expand" the standard Array .

Plans: there is a desire to cover the library with high-quality tests - it would be good if someone, who is well versed in this, helped.

It is not planned to expand the list of methods, except for the removeListener() method.

Arr.js repository and documentation (en) .

Comments on improvements are welcome!

PS: For personal use, a https://github.com/jmas/list/blob/master/List.js component was developed that uses Arr.js. The component is used to create lists that update HTML themselves when the array of data changes. The component uses componentjs to resolve dependencies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238197/

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