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Forgiveness Apple: Apple rolled out an urgent release of iOS 8.0.2 with an apology

Apple doesn’t want news of it coming from your screens, reader. Literally, just now, 48 hours after the release of the iOS 8.0.1 update , the company released iOS 8.0.2 , which fixes the problems of the previous version with cellular communication and other identified problems, including the HealthKit-bug that prevented the work of iOS 8-compatible applications. for good health". This also applies to problems with the launch of third-party keyboards.

Image from TechCrunch

Along with the update, Apple released an apology statement:

iOS 8.0.2 is already available to users, it contains fixes that affect iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who downloaded iOS 8.0.1, and includes improvements and bug fixes for iOS 8.0.1. We apologize for the inconvenience to the owners of iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, faced with a bug iOS 8.0.1.

As in the case of the bending iPhones , Apple rests on the fact that a relatively small number of users had difficulties: the iOS 8.0.1 bug affected less than 40,000 iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users during that hour and a little before The update was withdrawn in order to study the problems stated by users. Owners of older versions of iPhones did not have any problems with the update.
To download the update, just check for updates in iTunes or in the phone settings.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238201/

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