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The main types of search queries that online store users use, is your website ready for them? (Part 2)

We continue our review of common types of search queries that are used by visitors to online stores. Today we look at requests that do not indicate, but rather describe the desired product.

Despite the fact that such requests are quite common, many online stores still do not process them correctly. In order to avoid this error, you must use the correct descriptions of each type of product, as well as a decent set of additional criteria that indicate the features of the product.

Search by criteria

Often, in the search for a product, the user relies on a set of criteria that the product must meet. This query is similar to the search category, but contains clarifying data, which, in theory, should significantly narrow the number of search results. For example, a site visitor may enter “leather jacket” or “green tea” in the search box.
At the same time, the concept of "criterion" includes a wide range of possible product parameters. This includes information such as performance and technical data (disk space); description of the materials from which the product is made (the same leather jacket); the color of the product, which, unfortunately, is often completely ignored by most online stores; Naturally, the price and manufacturer. This list can be expanded and expanded, depending on the characteristics of the types of products offered by your online store. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the need to create such criteria for each product category.

The store, which we have already recalled in the first part, apparently does not even realize the existence of such a miracle of nature as the Samsung Galaxy, made in red.

Although it offers this product:


Another good idea would be to use some criteria to filter search results by others. For example, a user searching for the same leather jacket should be able to choose only black leather jackets, sewn from concrete leather and a certain brand. This approach helps to significantly reduce the time required to complete the purchase, which is one of the main conversion factors.

Situational searches

If a search by criteria implies that the user has specific requirements for the desired product, then situational queries describe the problem that the product must solve. These queries are much more difficult to process and are not used as often as a search by criteria. This type of search is typical for visitors to online clothing stores, tourist equipment and others, whose specialization greatly complicates the formulation of criteria.

Processing this type of requests requires extensive preparatory work. In order to request the "winter jacket" issued not just the products that contain these words in the title, namely, winter jackets presented on the site, you must first assign each such product to the corresponding group (in this case, to the group of winter jackets). At the same time, these groups should not be confused with categories. So, often in clothing stores there is a category “outerwear”, which has no division by seasons.

One of the online stores "pleased" not only with a complete inability to understand what we want from him, but also frankly admitted that he was not able to process search queries with errors and a large (?) Number of words.

And some immediately warn that you need to know exactly what you are looking for:


Proper processing of such requests is of great importance for online stores of gifts and souvenirs, as quite often there are requests for "birthday present", "wedding present" and others. In addition, there are fairly common queries that describe the area to which the product belongs. So in the stores of sports symbols and paraphernalia they often look for “NBA uniform”, “Russian football uniform” and others.

Name search

Quite often, visitors are looking for products that are associated with a particular person. This can be either a real person or a fictional character. The processing of such requests is especially important for stores that sell products related to movies, games, music and books. In addition, this wording is found in the shops of sports paraphernalia, souvenirs, celebrity-related things and similar stores.

If the majority of online bookstores perfectly processes a request by the author of the book, then an attempt to find a book by one of the key characters, if its name is not found in the title, usually ends in nothing. To solve this problem, it is enough to add a brief description of the work, which contains a reference to the main characters. The same applies to stores selling films for which it is important to efficiently process requests containing the names of actors, producers, directors and scriptwriters. In the stores of sports symbols can meet the requests "form of Michael Jordan" or other, tied to the identity of the athlete.

Search for parts and compatible products

Probably one of the most common requests. The situation when the user is looking for components for some product is so common that the fact that most online stores still do not correctly process this request is extremely surprising. It is logical to expect that the user does not know the exact name of the components that he needs. Naturally, this is primarily related to technology and electronics.

Despite the loud statement, Internet supermarket №1 did not cope with the simplest request. Pay attention to the categories to which the products found belong: despite the fact that the result was still “hooked” on the category of power supplies, for some reason, the HP chargers didn’t fall into the result, although an indication of this brand is contained in their name.

Another online store, on a similar request, issued a lot of "car chargers for ...", but for what, did not say:

Processing such queries requires special precision, as incorrect search results can not only prevent the user from making a purchase, but also cause the purchase of the wrong thing. In this case, the purchased goods will be absolutely useless at best, and at worst, will result in damage to the equipment for which the components were purchased.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/238199/

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