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The Day of the Air Defense of the Russian Federation and the 70th Anniversary of the Scientific-Production Association ALMAZ named after Academician A.A. Raspletin


The USSR is experiencing serious technical difficulties in intercepting violators at low altitude.

from the National Intelligence Report (USA), 1979

... the Soviet Union has almost no means of countering low-flying targets. Soviet air defense is technically primitive and rarely conducts defensive operations against targets at low altitude. The air defense command and control system is no good, its troops are far from being in a brilliant state and often perform poorly in exercises ... the general opinion is that the Soviets are rather helpless in this area
Excerpts from the 1981 CIA Internal Memorandum
They lied tsrushniki. The last “vagrants” was on July 1, 1960 the reconnaissance aircraft ERB-47H “Stratodzhet” (reg. Number 53-4281, 38th strategic reconnaissance squadron of the US Air Force), the second after the May Day flight of 1960 by Francis Powers on U-2C (reg. 56-6693, CIA). And then came the quiet-grace and peaceful sky.

We do not fly ourselves and will not give to others.

The motto of the air defense forces, based on real events.

According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 549 of May 31, 2006 “On the establishment of professional holidays and commemorative days in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation” , the Day of Air Defense Forces (Day of the Air Defense Forces) is celebrated on the second Sunday of April.


April 9, 2017 will be 103 years old, since the formation of the air defense troops of the Russian Empire, the USSR, and then Russia.

You can have different attitudes to the army of your country and to the military-industrial complex (MIC), to be a militarist, a pacifist, a nihilist, and other “istom,” but it must be admitted that the air defense troops are the most defensive of the troops in general and the most peaceful of the aggressive types of troops in particular .

The enormous importance for completing the necessary armament of the air defense forces was played by (o)
Design Bureau (KB-1, Box 1323) → Moscow Design Bureau (IBC) Strela → Central → Design Bureau (CDB) Almaz → Scientific and Production Association (NPO) Almaz → Open Joint-Stock Company ( OJSC Almaz Central Design Bureau → Almaz Scientific Production Association OJSC → Almaz-Antey Concern Air Defense Concern OJSC → Almaz Research and Production Association JSC.

Much of the medium-range and long-range SAMs were produced and are being produced at this enterprise.


Feel the difference motto AA in Russian and English:


I will not talk about all sly tricks of the air defense systems, the structure thereof, the history of the air defense itself, etc.
I just want to present for this holiday date an album I have, which was released on the 30th anniversary of the Almaz Scientific and Production Association, which I was “lying around in the attic”.

Maybe someone will be interested in what they did then ... well, you can probably call this a presentation.
Someone will compare with the album that will be released by AA in this jubilee year, but a little later.
What and how changed in 2017 compared to 1977

To some, this will seem like “old wadding,” while others may discover the little-known and the new.

So: few "beeches", but a lot of photos.



















Other products "AA", not related to air defense, but from the same album is located under the spoiler (if interested):

K-20 missile control system
K-10 missile control system
K-22 missile control system
X-15 missile control system
P-15 missile control system
The control system of missile weapons "Rubezh"
The control system of the complex dragon tank armament "Dragon" tank IT-1

The development of NPO Almaz of prospective air defense systems since 1966, based on unconventional principles:




More information about some of the air defense systems (SAM) of the USSR can be read at the links below:

The first domestic ZRK S-25
The first Soviet mass ZRK S-75
Low-altitude SAM S-125
Anti-aircraft missile system S-300P
S-200 long-range anti-aircraft missile system
The history of air defense systems
Army Air Defense
The history of PJSC "NPO" Almaz "
Concern VKO "Almaz - Antey"
North-Western Regional Center Concern Air Defense "Almaz-Antey" (41 photos) -photo report

For comparison, I laid out an album of 60 years of NPO Almaz (I apologize for the quality, but I don’t have another one).
You can compare 1977 and 2007.

A small digression:

At the time, OAO NPO Almaz, the general was a well-known cooperator and doctor of technical sciences Ashurbeyli Igor Rauf oglu (a scientist, industrialist, public figure, philanthropist, etc.).
I will not restrain myself, well, how can I not forget this video on the “analysis” of Solovyov (from 8:48):

Who did not understand the public blooper:

The main tactical and technical characteristics of the ZRS S-300P
Chelyabinsk meteorite: what scientists have learned in a year
The fall of the meteorite Chelyabinsk

The co-operator and public figure defeated the engineer, and now the doctor of technical sciences was going to intercept an asteroid with a diameter of about 17 meters and a mass of about 10 thousand tons, flying at a speed of about 18 km / s ...

I represent the facial expression of the radar operator, if he managed to take on the support of such non-typical goal.


Congratulations on the holiday of the country's air defense, those who are on duty, guard and those who created for them than “watch and guard”.


The experiments performed on the firing of free-flying air balloons led to the conviction that in order to obtain any reliable results with such shooting, special tools and special range-finders are needed; The requirements for such guns and range finders are developed and communicated to the best Russian and foreign plants and firms with a proposal to develop gun projects and submit samples of range finders.

- From the All-Presented Report on the Ministry of War on the activities and the state of all branches of the military administration for 1909.

Weapons are never created “just like that.” And the more serious the type of weapons, the more serious geopolitical prerequisites are necessary for its creation.

Combat firing S-300:

Landfill firing ZUR 9M96 and ZUR 48N6DM (she 48N6E3):

[1] David Hoffman "A billion dollar spy." The history of the most daring operation of American intelligence services in the Soviet Union "
[2] "Historical materials"
[3] History of PJSC "NPO" Almaz "

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402899/

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