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What is on the other side of the black hole? [Fraser Cain]

Fraser Kane: Imagine how a whole star collapses into a gravitational singularity. An object with such a mass is compressed so tightly that nothing, not even light, can avoid its attraction. It is no wonder that these objects captured our imagination. And, nevertheless, I have a complaint.

The name "black hole" seems to have caused some misunderstanding. And the pictures that show a black hole as a gravity well do not help either.
From those letters that you send me, I realized that many see these objects as magnificent portals to another world or dimension. Like some kind of gates, behind which you will find a world of adventure and beautiful people in strange chain mail armor and bikini.
So what if you jumped into a black hole? Where would you go? What is on the other side? Where are they taking you?

Adults, if you have children with you, ask them to leave - now I will destroy their science fiction Christmas. Well, I warned you.

Black holes actually do not “lead” anywhere. There are no “holes” in them. These are massive black spheres in space with an incomprehensible gravitational field.
We are familiar with black things, such as asphalt or a T-shirt with Kyur from their concert tour, which you wash exclusively by hand. But black holes have a different blackness - they are black, because even the light (the fastest thing in the Universe) gave up, trying to escape from their enormous gravity.

Let's enter the context. Imagine, imagine that you carry an elephant on your shoulders. Better yet, imagine that you are wearing an elephant like a suit. Now get off the couch and go for a walk ... This is how you will feel if the attraction of the Earth increases fifty times.
If we increase the gravity around your sofa to the level of the weakest black hole, it will be billions of times stronger than what you felt in an elephant costume.

So, if you jumped into a black hole, saddling your cosmic dragon, pulling giant fighting gauntlets, wielding some ridiculous light melee weapon, then you will be transformed immediately! Those terrible tidal forces that unwind your body into atomic currents and then your mass will become part of a black hole. So that everything is clear - you will not get anywhere. You just join the black hole. This is the same as dreaming to get into wonderland, jumping into the trash press. If you jump into a black hole, you are waiting for one continuous increasing discomfort and splitting into atoms.

And here is a truly nightmarish part ... Since time is distorted near the horizon of the black hole's events, the Universe outside will observe how you sink into it more and more slowly and slowly. Theoretically, from their point of view, your transformation into a part of a black hole would take infinity. Even the photons reflected from your twisted body will be stretched to such an extent that you will become redder and redder, and in the end you will simply disappear.

Now that is over with. Let's clarify the question of this diagram (see video 3:44 ). Take a look at this image of the black hole gravity well. Everything that has mass distorts space-time. The more mass you have, the more distortion you create. And black holes create the greatest distortion than anything else in the universe. The light moves in a straight line through space-time, even when it was twisted into the womb of a black hole. When you find yourself inside the black hole event horizon, all paths will lead directly to singularity, even if you are a photon of light that moves directly from it. That sounds just awful.
The good news is that from your point of view this is a quick and painful death for you and your cosmic dragon.

So, if you were planning a trip to a black hole, I advise you to change your mind. This is not the ability to quickly travel through the universe or go to a higher form of consciousness. There is nothing on the other side. Only splitting and death. If you want to escape to another dimension, can I suggest a good book in return?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/402895/

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