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Attention to details. Part I

Attention to details. Today we will talk about how to improve our beloved Habr . And we start, oddly enough, with trifles - for example, with the translation icon: icon_trans1.gif

The idea to indicate that this article is a translation (and you can find original material on the web) is remarkable . Unfortunately, the user does not immediately understand that the article preceded by the icon (z -> I) is a translation (proven by a mini-study :).

Why it happens. Let's see.
1. Well, first of all, this is a visual image, strongly in tune with the metaphor of “AZ”. The metaphor “AZ” itself means a glossary, a library, an index, a list of something in alphabetical order.
2. Secondly, the icon itself does not carry any functional load. I always prefer to refer to the original, so I immediately look for a link to the original article. Unfortunately, it is sometimes difficult to go straight to the original article - unless the author has included the link itself before .

3. Thirdly, the original article is not always published in English. Therefore, the Latin Cyrillic symbol does not always correctly reflect the essence of the translation. It is necessary to indicate this, because if the original article is not in English, I would rather read the translation :)

4. Fourthly, big-eyed users may notice that the letter “z” on the icon is lowercase, and “I” is capitalized.
So, let's try to redraw the icon, given the above disadvantages.

0. “z -> I” (current version):

1. "Per."
In fact, we all have long been accustomed to typographic metaphors and the abbreviation “trans. from English "or" approx. auth. "is perceived much more efficiently than" z -> I ".
In addition, the size of the icon does not allow you to specify from which language the translation was made. Keeping the color scheme of the original icon, you can put on it a small triangle + hang title (pop-up alt), which will, for example, contain the phrase: “trans. from English. " Clicking on the icon itself leads to an ogiginal article.

2. "EN> RU"
Less recognizable, but more effective, in my opinion. Allows you to specify from which and into which language the article is translated. Also leads to the original article. Ideally, you can slightly increase the icon width.

3. Your option?

To be continued...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/4029/

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