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Interview with Alice Lee, Vice President, Lenovo Corporation

Alice Lee at Lenovo works as vice president of marketing and at the same time, as it became clear from the news, she represents her company as a sponsor of the Beijing Olympics. With the help of wonderful friends from Techhh! Received an invitation to a reception on the occasion of the arrival of the Olympic Flame in St. Petersburg. And although we did not receive all the answers to all our questions (Alice looked very tired and we didn’t torture her with clarifications), we consider the interview to be quite complete. Here is an approximate (not literal) transcript:

How much priority is Lenovo for the direction of mobile devices, in particular for the Russian market?
At the moment, Lenovo is focused on computers - desktops and laptops, but soon we will launch the first model of a handheld computer on the market. Whether it will hit the Russian market, there is no possibility to say for sure.

Is Lenovo planning to produce and sell cheap laptops in Russia, such as EEE or Classmate?
We have had similar developments, and such products are even sold in China. But we do not focus on this, because our customers are mainly corporate and individual users belonging to a more solvent category of consumers.

How does Lenovo see the future of mobile device interfaces? Will it be touch interfaces, such as in the iPhone, voice control or other approaches?
We do not have one specific interface that we would be guided by, since our customers have very different needs. Therefore, we will not drive ourselves into the framework of any particular concept.

Does Lenovo plan to introduce Augmented Reality technology and produce devices like Lumus Vision glasses? What cutting edge technologies does your company introduce and use?
Of course, this question would be worth addressing to the research department. I want to say that for us cutting edge is not an augmented reality, but the reliability and safety of our products. For example, the recognition of the iris of the eye and the increase in the vibration resistance of hard wild

A question prepared by QD Innovation Studio :
Is Lenovo planning to expand RND offices in Russia and / or collaborate with universities, share knowledge and experience with the student environment?
At the moment we have no such plans in the near future. The closest region to Russia, where we are building something is Poland, our factory will open there. However, Russia is a promising market for us, and in our strategic plans to work here more actively, not only selling our products.

We also wanted to ask if they were planning to release a mobile device on the Google Android platform, but decided that it would be a shot at the pigeons :)

We enjoyed talking with Alice and hope that part of him will be passed on to you.

And, of course, we will try to take more interesting interviews. For example, with Vadim Sukhomlin, head of the Developer Relations Division at Intel.
Stay tuned!

- This post can also be discussed on all the topics .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22968/

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