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How to create an ideal?

Back in 2007, we, the Shiloff Group agency, were engaged in the rebranding of the ASK group of companies. The scope of work included everything: from marketing and corporate identity, to outdoor and display advertising, and, of course, the site. To make this site unique, we decided to create the perfect girl.


Under the cut 1.4 MB images, be alert!

Having developed the logo and slogan of the company, we did not stop at what we have achieved. The next item, in accordance with the marketing strategy developed by us, was the company's emblem and brand name, which would serve as a quality mark for the program for financial accounting in banks - “ASKINA-Treasury”.

Like what else is needed for full brand tuning? Or speaking professional terminology - brand identification? But something was missing, there was no connection with people - accessible, attracting to itself like a magnet.

In a word, we decided that the brand image of the trademark would be necessary, which would be associated with the name “ASKINA” and the slogan “Perfect program. Absolute accuracy. At the same time, it was necessary to draw parallels with the angel on the emblem of the company, which symbolizes rebirth, a reflection of the connection of times. And so the idea to create a perfect girl program, i.e. angel girl

So, it began ... Do you know how to make the perfect face that does not cause dislikes? After all, the taste and color of comrades is not. What it should be, nobody knew. The decision came by itself: to collect all the beauties of the world in one "working field" and hold a "casting".


The main winners, from hundreds of revised models of modernity, we chose Angelina Jolie, Claire Forlani and Natalie Imbrulyu.


Now, it would seem, it became clear what facial features and from which model we take as a working material. It seems that the prototype is as clear as day ... But it was not there! He was clear only on the example of existing beauties created by the Most High. Our beauty was still in the bud.

The folder in which the 3D rendering of the model was folded could be called “embryos”. Unfortunately, someone harsher and fairer assigned the naming of “eggheads”, which for a long time did not leave our minds.

Bright representatives of the folder:


Trying to our 3d-shnik somehow to inspire the image living in the head, we drew them various examples, upgrading the “source code”. For example, they were frightened by the beauty that “... on our girl there should be metal hair, wings, like on the company's coat of arms, or something else like that.” Or reminded them that “ASKINA is an ideal program, and therefore the face itself must be perfect, feminine, tender ...”. Have you ever seen angels? Most likely not, have not seen or heard of such. Well, if only in pictures or icons.


3d-Schnick had his own idea about angels. They reassured: “... when we add texture to her hair and attach it, everything will fall into place. So in itself, it already has perfect proportions. ” We quickly raised various hairstyles on the “perfect” head and put it in a folder. She also has a corresponding name ...


It is clear that if at this stage we are going to take away the bread from Sergey Zverev, i.e. to create a fashionable haircut, we will not do the main thing - angelic face.
Began many days to fix our model. In words, the 3D Schnick did not understand anything and we had to make visual comments and comparisons for them: “we look at the errors and try to correct them”.


But just as we did not rule the profile of our face, our miracle did not become more feminine and more tender, some kind of rubber dolls were obtained.


Yin and yang "in one bottle" did not suit us. But who knows what kind of angel - female or male? After much agonies and corrections made, our male model embryo finally gave its roots to the female.


There were fewer red dots, but the result was still threefold with a minus.


We tried to make edits to a monochrome image. It became easier to see the errors, the work went faster.


Already something, a little more correction and it is possible to put three plus. And now we look in color.


Smoothen defects 3Ds Max in ZBrush. We did not want to use the template, so the craniocerebral defects were opened. It is clear that her cheekbones and ears are not misplaced, but it does not matter, we will correct later.


The craniotomy and plastic surgery was painless, none of the models was hurt.


Since our goal is perfectly regular features, we had enough of the half created by it, the rest was displayed symmetrically.
We start to wear it. Getting down to textures to see it in human skin. Then we add eyes. With their color, we have not yet decided anything, we will be the last to edit, but for some reason I want to try on the lilac color. And of course, do not forget about the lips.


Made a trial rendering. It is clear that the shape of the face has become more feminine, but most importantly, we cannot revive it, breathe life into it, it is still a 3D scale. The right option, as an image of the program, suits us better. But this is not an angel! May simply not enough hair ???



No problem. We carry out the next "casting", we make a collective image and begin to carefully "plant" the hair. Then paint, if that.


We got this hayer. Well, let that a little disheveled, but all the other forms are perfectly correct. Option Askin with dark hair shoals completely. This is not an angel, more like a witch. Although the eyes look more expressive.


About eyes

We needed a friendly look. All of our models, past the "casting", he was predatory, then fox, then just stupid. On the role of "good eyes" came the expression of Natalie Ibruli. Of course, they have undergone some changes. In truth, Askin’s eyes are purposefully made more by 30% of the ideal proportions of the human face structure. And their color is reduced to a neutral gray and now they each seem to have their own color: someone sees yellowish shades, someone reddish, others - of course blue.


So, having made perfect proportions, having dressed Askin in a skin, having picked up hair, a mouth, a look and color of eyes arranging us, we have started its revival.


Added mimic wrinkles, drew the missing shadows, eyebrows and other elements of the face, without which it can not be called alive. All this was done by hand, in 2D-graphics packages.
The layout was prepared immediately in A1, 300 dpi, CMYK format, in order not to return to the flipping to various advertising formats.


We have spent a lot of time and effort on its creation, but we have achieved the image we were striving for - the image of an ideal girl, a perfect program with the name “ASKINA”. Already more than once, men asked to give the phone to a model that was shot in our advertising ...


ps Post in the comments if you were interested in this article and we will continue to tell you about how we created our work. We have a lot of them :)

Update: Please understand that our goal was to provide an image of the program and no more ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56848/

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