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Who needs a fuss about the Belarusian provider?

You can talk about providing in Belarus at any time, regardless of trends in the market and objective trends. Historically, the market that exists under the pressure of a state monopoly develops unevenly and slowly, and users are ready to break the chain as soon as the word “Beltelecom”, “anlim” or anything else directly connected with the local telecommunications world flashes through the conversation .

Accordingly, the slightest spark is enough to blow a serious flame. At this time, not just a spark, but a match served as the publication of a well-known IT analyst fed on his website Electroname.com . The topical text about the “catastrophic” situation of providers was distributed on the Bynet in half a day, settling on both the opposition “Charter” , and in the thematic section of the geek “Habrahabra” , and in the thematic LJ-community by_providers . The fire did not even need to be inflated - people dissatisfied with the policy of the state telecommunications operator and enviously looking at much more liberal tariffs in neighboring states, began to shower Beltelecom with various curses, without really thinking about the facts.

The indictment in the direction of Beltelecom was based on a supposedly existing collective letter of the Belarusian providers to the Ministry of Communications, calling their situation catastrophic and promising to seriously reduce or completely cover up their business. Information about the letter is not enough, it is contradictory - different sources show their own, providers prefer to keep silent, calling it a provocation, or directly deny the existence of the letter. As a result, we can assume that there really was some kind of movement in this direction, but as far as it corresponds to the content of the mythical writing - it was written with forks on water.
Most of the accusations that are piling up on the monopolist are fair. This is directly a monopoly position in the market, which does not allow other major providers to build their backbone network. This is also a subsidy policy, due to which Beltelecom realizes both image projects such as IPTV or WiMax, as well as social undertakings, such as telephony telephone lines in villages and villages, for the Internet users' money. Finally, one should not forget about the strangeness of price policy, when the price for the end user falls faster than for secondary providers, and the first for a long time get the Internet cheaper than the second.

Monopoly in the market is a matter that is de jure administered by the Ministry of Communications. What is actually the relationship between the two state giants - a mystery covered in darkness. But it would be naive to believe that there is no connection between them, which they are not in a hurry to make public. Although in any case, all hypotheses based on this connection can be considered chimeras - the evidence base is too elusive.

Social and image projects conducted by the users of the Network, of course, do not arouse enthusiasm among the metropolitan network beau monde. But the inhabitants of the hinterland, among whom there are also quite a few active users, speak only in favor of Beltelecom: they used to have dial-up access by rotten cable at best, and now tolerable ADSL for reasonable money has become a reality. Individual freelancers and other Internet romantics even traveled from major cities closer to nature, as soon as they got the opportunity to be in touch outside of megacities. And in general, Belarus is a socially oriented state, is it possible to leave unprotected segments of the population without telecommunications?

Pricing causes the greatest criticism. Indeed, it is not entirely clear how providers can survive, receiving a channel more expensive than end-users of ByFly. The first problem was noticed by the analysts of Providers.by , who spoke on this topic in a separate article: the tendency to uneven price cuts is already noticeable for the third year, and there are no fewer providers. Maybe the panic is for nothing? Still, the provider’s guaranteed megabit channel and four ADSL connections to mass consumers differ not only in price . Overselling on the market of Belarusian anlim has been known for a long time, because a rare user will use one hundred percent of his kilobits per second. And if it does, then it can be perfectly foreseen by subtle points in the contract - for example, reduce the speed after a certain milestone or promise a connection, not with a specific speed, but “to 256 kb / s.”

We cannot say that there is a war between Beltelecom and private providers, if we recall all the legislative levers of influence on Belarusian telecoms. Tightly tightening all the nuts, the state could throw “private traders” out of the market easily and naturally, rather than squeezing out the price in recent years. This means that the situation is deeper than just a war head-on - it can be either a careful struggle with small players, or a gradually developing source of money for government agencies, or simply measures necessary for balancing between the social attitudes from above and the laws of the market.

The inelasticity of demand for the Internet is obvious. For many “average” users, access to the Network is still a luxury, and professional Internet users, having complained, would pay large sums for their connection thread. Indeed, the Internet is more expensive for Belarusians than for neighbors, but this is not our only feature.

How quickly and professionally rumors are spreading and truthful information spreading to various degrees in the last week brings to mind the media virus. Too many channels of communication at the same time touched on this topic. First, Electroname.com slightly warmed up the public with introductory text with hate motives for Beltelecom, then a second material appeared in the same place, which raised all the scum. Less than 24 hours later, this information was reprinted by almost all the media involved, and the young but smart industry website Providers.by and the head of the press service of Beltelecom, Alexey Fedorinchik, also rolled out serious answers. There was a lot of noise in the treetops of social media like Habrahabra. But if this is a media war, then it will be quite difficult to find its instigator: these movements are no more dangerous to government structures than a mosquito bite, private providers will not achieve anything, almost signing their helplessness in business games with the state, and private individuals (the same fed or trendfinder ) I could hardly have brewed such porridge on my own, and I don’t have obvious motives.

Today, national telecom operator RUE Beltelecom announced the reduction of prices for service providers (second-tier providers) by 25%. Rumor has it that for the final subscriber the price will drop by 30%. Of course, we should be glad, but this does not explain who and why is fueling the provisional flame, when only the highest state officials can really influence the situation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56850/