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YaLinqo (LINQ to Objects for PHP) - version 2.0

I'm sorry, what?

LINQ is a thing that allows you to write queries, something like SQL, right in the code. LINQ to Objects, in fact, allows you to write queries to objects, arrays, and all that with which you operate in code.

This is why?
If you have a base, then you have a favorite ORM (or a favorite bare SQL - as you like). But sometimes objects come from web services, from files, and in general darkness of objects may require non-trivial processing: conversion, filtering, sorting, grouping, aggregation ... Apply the usual ORM or SQL - but there is no base. This is where LINQ to Objects comes to the rescue, in this case YaLinqo.

What can?

What happened?

A year has passed since PHP 5.5 came out with all sorts of goodies such as generators and corrected iterators. Since on my conscience the most full-fledged LINQ port in PHP, I decided that it was time to update it and use new features of the language.

What's new?

The speed is new. Tons of code are thrown out (about 800 lines under Git's calculations): there are no crutches like Enumerator to generate Iterator 's; there were no useless collections, in fact the only advantage of which was the storage of objects in the keys; there was no call_user_func ... And the most important thing - there was no heap of low-grade code for generating iterators, which is impossible to understand. Stay foreach and yield . All this in the amount gave a sickly increase in speed.

You have no idea with what pleasure I replaced this monster:

 return new Enumerable(function () use ($self, $inner, $outerKeySelector, $innerKeySelector, $resultSelectorValue, $resultSelectorKey) { /** @var $self Enumerable */ /** @var $inner Enumerable */ /** @var $arrIn array */ $itOut = $self->getIterator(); $itOut->rewind(); $lookup = $inner->toLookup($innerKeySelector); $arrIn = null; $posIn = 0; $key = null; return new Enumerator(function ($yield) use ($itOut, $lookup, &$arrIn, &$posIn, &$key, $outerKeySelector, $resultSelectorValue, $resultSelectorKey) { /** @var $itOut \Iterator */ /** @var $lookup \YaLinqo\collections\Lookup */ while ($arrIn === null || $posIn >= count($arrIn)) { if ($arrIn !== null) $itOut->next(); if (!$itOut->valid()) return false; $key = call_user_func($outerKeySelector, $itOut->current(), $itOut->key()); $arrIn = $lookup[$key]; $posIn = 0; } $args = array($itOut->current(), $arrIn[$posIn], $key); $yield(call_user_func_array($resultSelectorValue, $args), call_user_func_array($resultSelectorKey, $args)); $posIn++; return true; }); }); 

to concise:

 return new Enumerable(function () use ($inner, $outerKeySelector, $innerKeySelector, $resultSelectorValue, $resultSelectorKey) { $lookup = $inner->toLookup($innerKeySelector); foreach ($this as $ok => $ov) { $key = $outerKeySelector($ov, $ok); if (isset($lookup[$key])) foreach ($lookup[$key] as $iv) yield $resultSelectorKey($ov, $iv, $key) => $resultSelectorValue($ov, $iv, $key); } }); 

In addition, I finally added human tags with versions to the repository and described branch aliases in composer.json , so working with Composer should now cause less pain.

So what is it, after all?

Suppose you have arrays:

 $products = array( array('name' => 'Keyboard', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 10, 'id' => 1), array('name' => 'Mouse', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 20, 'id' => 2), array('name' => 'Monitor', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 0, 'id' => 3), array('name' => 'Joystick', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 15, 'id' => 4), array('name' => 'CPU', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 15, 'id' => 5), array('name' => 'Motherboard', 'catId' => 'hw', 'quantity' => 11, 'id' => 6), array('name' => 'Windows', 'catId' => 'os', 'quantity' => 666, 'id' => 7), array('name' => 'Linux', 'catId' => 'os', 'quantity' => 666, 'id' => 8), array('name' => 'Mac', 'catId' => 'os', 'quantity' => 666, 'id' => 9), ); $categories = array( array('name' => 'Hardware', 'id' => 'hw'), array('name' => 'Operating systems', 'id' => 'os'), ); 

Suppose you need to place products with a non-zero quantity into the appropriate categories sorted by name, and sort the products within categories first by decreasing quantity, then by name. Now you start building three-nested loops in your mind, function calls for arrays, trying to remember which prefix of a suitable sorting function ... Instead of all this you can write:

 $result = from($categories) ->orderBy('$cat ==> $cat["name"]') ->groupJoin( from($products) ->where('$prod ==> $prod["quantity"] > 0') ->orderByDescending('$prod ==> $prod["quantity"]') ->thenBy('$prod ==> $prod["name"]'), '$cat ==> $cat["id"]', '$prod ==> $prod["catId"]', '($cat, $prods) ==> [ "name" => $cat["name"], "products" => $prods ]' ); 

If the creators of PHP were not stubborn donkeys and did not abandon the pull-request with lambdas, you could even write this:

 $result = from($categories) ->orderBy($cat ==> $cat['name']) ->groupJoin( from($products) ->where($prod ==> $prod['quantity'] > 0) ->orderByDescending($prod ==> $prod['quantity']) ->thenBy($prod ==> $prod['name']), $cat ==> $cat['id'], $prod ==> $prod['catId'], ($cat, $prods) ==> [ 'name' => $cat['name'], 'products' => $prods, ] ); 

Anyway, at the output we get:

 Array ( [hw] => Array ( [name] => Hardware [products] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Mouse [catId] => hw [quantity] => 20 [id] => 2 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => CPU [catId] => hw [quantity] => 15 [id] => 5 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Joystick [catId] => hw [quantity] => 15 [id] => 4 ) [3] => Array ( [name] => Motherboard [catId] => hw [quantity] => 11 [id] => 6 ) [4] => Array ( [name] => Keyboard [catId] => hw [quantity] => 10 [id] => 1 ) ) ) [os] => Array ( [name] => Operating systems [products] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [name] => Linux [catId] => os [quantity] => 666 [id] => 8 ) [1] => Array ( [name] => Mac [catId] => os [quantity] => 666 [id] => 9 ) [2] => Array ( [name] => Windows [catId] => os [quantity] => 666 [id] => 7 ) ) ) ) 

For aesthetes and optimizers, it is possible to use anonymous functions, not “string lambdas”. Instead of '$prod ==> $prod["quantity"] > 0' you can write function ($prod) { return $prod['quantity'] > 0; } function ($prod) { return $prod['quantity'] > 0; } . For wild obfuscators, it is possible to use the default argument names (v is the value, k is the key, etc.), that is, you can simply write '$v["quantity"] > 0' (not recommended for complex nested queries).

Where is LINQ to Database?

Yes, in fact, in the .NET world, LINQ queries are also used in ORM (someone will say that this is a general purpose in general), but this particular feature is absent in the library, because any attempt to implement it will result in a ton of crutches, brakes and other unsightly things due to the lack of support at the language level (parsing expressions, in particular). LINQ to Objects didn’t do without crutches in the form of “string lambda”, and here you will need a full-fledged translator from PHP to SQL with full parsing and tons of optimizations - the sunset manually.

Come on!

PS Old version supports PHP 5.3. Functionally not inferior, but somewhat slower (iterators, s).

PPS Finally, a sane competitor (Ginq) appeared. There are tons of SPL, Symfony and other architecture, zero comments, a lot of brakes (overhead from x2 to x50 relative to my version). Benchmarks in the process, I will write next time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/229763/

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