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Microsoft may want to withdraw Yahoo!

Yesterday, April 4, Reuters news agency announced that Microsoft is reviewing its offer to buy Yahoo! in light of the deteriorating market conditions. Citing "sources close to the center of events" Reuters reports:

Microsoft has repeatedly tried to involve the Yahoo! into negotiations, but the market fell and the changes at Yahoo! could reduce its value compared with the state on December 31, when Microsoft put forward its offer of $ 44.6 billion.

The reasons for this "depreciation", in our opinion, lie in the main losses of Yahoo! - general care of top managers. The last straw, apparently, was the departure of Ian Rogers, which we wrote about in the first place . There, I assumed that an unfriendly takeover is inevitable, which is why the "star" executives of Yahoo! rapidly leaving their posts. About Ian Rogers and his work at Yahoo! You can read in one of our past posts .

On the other hand, on March 25, Citigroup analyst Mark Mahaney said that Microsoft, in his opinion, could raise its offer by about 10%, to $ 34 per share versus the initial $ 31. The reason for this, Mahaney said, could be a surge of activity on the part of Yahoo!
Since this offer, Google shares, the most direct competitor of Yahoo !, have fallen by 16%, while shares of Yahoo! increased by about half. Now, after the publication of Reuters, Microsoft shares rose by less than 1%, and Yahoo! - fell by almost 5%, and many believe that this is not the limit and, most likely, the market value of Yahoo! drops even below the “before the offer”.

Will rumors of a Microsoft withdrawal be confirmed by Yahoo! or not - time will tell. We hope that Yahoo! - alone or as a subsidiary of Microsoft - will continue to delight us with innovative solutions - this has always been their strong point, especially in recent times.

- From here

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/22975/

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