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Muris nonpenis arcus *

* mouse tailless arched (free translation into Latin)

The attitude towards Microsoft products, without any doubt, is ambiguous. Especially it concerns the results of the work of the “software” department of the company (Vista wasn’t scolding just lazy, probably). However, devices developed in the “hardware” division are more often successful, pleasing the eye with design, and hands with convenience. Not for nothing because the Microsoft Natural Keyboard is considered almost the standard of ergonomic keyboards.

Microsoft ® Arc TM Mouse (written on the package), which will be discussed here, attracts the eye just due to the unusual design. And it is precisely the unusual device of the mouse that makes it doubt its convenience for everyday use: after all, it is most likely that it is inconvenient to hold such a mouse, and the center of mass is unusually located, and in general. It seems so at first glance. Is it really I feel it on my own experience?
I note right away that everything written below is only personal impressions of the work. My “review” does not pretend to be complete and comprehensive, and descriptions of all sorts of tests with accurate results will not be in it at all, as well as mass-dimensional characteristics. I think that all this is complete in other reviews.

On that day, when I bought Arc Mouse, I was looking for a mouse for permanent use with a laptop, which, by the way, I constantly drag from place to place. Naturally, I was looking for a device with the expectation that it was easy to transport, that is, it did not take up much space in a laptop bag. It would seem that the small "notebook" mice now in any store in bulk. However, I also wanted the mouse to be comfortable to use, and the “laptop” rodents for me personally are not very comfortable and just because of their diminutiveness.

Combining incompatible (miniature and comfort in work) allows Arc Mouse. The fact is that in the folded state, it becomes even less than the usual “laptop” mouse. This allows you to easily put it in a bag with magnetic clasps, which comes with it in the kit, and take with you on the road. After switching on, which consists in unfolding the “flip”, Arc Mouse increases both in height and in length, approaching in size to its more familiar and convenient for me “desktop” counterparts. The suspicion that was born during the visual contact that the Arc Mouse would be inconvenient to hold due to the empty middle was not justified. Fingers - holders (big and nameless in my case) fall just on the ledge in the front part, where, by the way, the whole electronic-electric filling of the mouse is located, and does not slide on it. So it is much more convenient to go into the Arc Mouse’s hand than its small counterparts.

Working and off state Arc Mouse. Profile view.

Nice arc mouse and touch. Top material - fashionable plastic, which seems velvety to the touch. However, from my experience with other “velvet” devices, I imagine what such plastic tends to become after some time of active use of the thing. Already now there are slight scuffs on the fingers on the buttons, which, as you know, are always covered with something: either with fat, then later, or both. What “velvet” will turn into in about a year - we will see.

In its functional filling Arc Mouse does not stand out: an optical sensor, two buttons, a push wheel, one additional button on the side, which is useless, in my opinion. This side button is so far ahead that it is very inconvenient for the developers to press it with their thumb, as it’s probably not easy to reach.

The first few hours of working with Arc Mouse went to get used to it. Since this mouse is lighter than the one I used earlier, at first it was not very easy to precisely and quickly point the cursor to the place you need: it flew constantly. As soon as the hand got used to the new weight, everything returned to normal. Now there are no problems, it works quite quickly and conveniently. It was pleasant at the same time that Arc Mouse works practically on any surface except glass, perhaps.

With the connection to the laptop problems, of course, did not arise. The transmitter at Arc Mouse is quite small, which is good. On the other hand, the transmitter is not so small that it can just be left hanging around in the USB port and forget about it, as I did, for example, with the UBT 207 Bluetooth mobiledata adapter. Therefore, there is a legitimate concern in his safety, because a small accessory is very easy to lose. Fortunately, the developers have thought about this moment. For carrying the transmitter is attached to the underside of a mouse flip using a magnet, entering a recess specially designed for it. After turning off the transmitter is in the "cocoon" and can not go anywhere, especially if you move the mouse in a special bag, in which the clasps are also magnetic. However, I already spoke about it.

As an additional "bun" to the Arc Mouse attached MS IntelliPoint - a sort of control center for mouse behavior. Of course, it is not specifically specific to this model, but is used with almost the entire family of mice from MicroSoft, however, I cannot but mention it here. The fact is that IntelliPoint offers such features for setting the action of the buttons that I have not seen in any other manufacturer. Here and the macro editor, and some specific game modes, and separate settings for different programs. But most of all I liked the "ergonomic scrolling." When calling this function, the system displays a grid with windows of all open programs, which allows you to quickly switch between them. Initially, "scrolling" works when you click the wheel, I personally moved it to the side button.

"Ergonomic scrolling" in action.

Summarizing, I will say that I am not at all disappointed in Arc Mouse. Convenient in work, convenient in transportation, without unnecessary "frills". Exactly what you need for everyday work. In addition, the Arc Mouse looks very “stylish”, which only adds to the pleasure of working with it.

PS I know that everyone likes photographs of devices made in a studio with a well-exposed light, beautifully trimmed and adjusted in a graphic editor. Such photos Arc Mouse , of course, is. But it seems to me that photographs taken in real situations become more alive. And in the editor, I still rules them. ;)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/58124/

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