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About twitter and precipitating thinking

About twitter on Habré write a lot and write different. Some explain what he is good at, others are surprised at his uselessness, others just write about news related to him. Nevertheless, there seems to be no general conversation about Twitter as a social phenomenon, but this is a very interesting conversation: what does such a huge popularity of this service mean and does it mean anything at all? From my point of view, the popularity of Twitter means a negative trend, moreover Twitter, as a phenomenon, is part of a more general negative trend, the manifestations of which can be found in many. What are these trends and I will try to consistently explain in this article. Some time ago I already published it in my blog , but I hope it will be interesting to the habra people.

The emergence of blogs in its time caused the most daring and even romantic hopes. In fact, the distance between the reader and his reader has been reduced to a possible minimum, it has ceased to be necessary to know even html, you just have to go online and register in one of the blog services. There are no obstacles like editorial boards of magazines, publishing houses, printing houses and other remnants of the old era. Only blogger and reader. Awesome, unprecedented situation, which allowed to talk about new, non-professional journalism, which will replace the traditional - in any part of the world there will always be a blogger who will instantly notify the Network about any event, and an event to which he himself will witness. Immediately there was a conversation about the set of literature, which, if it does not replace, it will pretty much press traditional literature. In part, these hopes were justified. Several writers have indeed received recognition through the Web, and quotations from the LJ have been used in television news broadcasts. But only in part. It quickly became clear that not everyone, from those who got the opportunity to be read, can write and not everyone has something to write about. It turned out that journalism is still a separate profession that needs to be learned, and there is no literature at all, there is literature and not literature.
A blog, as a way of publishing any material comparable to publishing on paper, turned out to be claimed by relatively few. And it could not be otherwise: not everyone is given a talent to write. The blogs have a second main function, namely the function of communication. To some extent, blogs continue to lead precisely for this. This is especially true for LJ. However, with the advent of social networks, the number of people using blogs began to decrease. More and more magazines throw and stop updating. This is evident from the statistics that publishes the company "Yandex". And it is clear where the users are going: social networks are more convenient for communication than blogs, and naturally, people were drawn there, just like they left blogs in forums.

However, along with social networks, a second type of service appeared, which, obviously, is delaying some bloggers. These are microblogging and, above all, twitter, of course.

Twitter has long been a mystery to me. I did not understand why and who needs it. It is not convenient as a means of communication, it is similar to chat rooms, which seem to be a thing of the past, with the only difference that now everyone has a chat room. And, of course, it is absolutely not suitable for the publication of any texts, not to mention multimedia. The very nature of twitter is amazing. From what came before it, from blogs, this service differs not in the presence of new functions, but in the restriction (!) Of old ones: if the blog had the opportunity to place text of almost unlimited size, then there are only 140 characters, if there are comments in the blog, on Twitter, the responses to other people's replicas are added to the same tape as their own replicas, and no discussion can be conducted in practice, because after the second or third exchange it becomes difficult to understand what it is.
They say that such a restriction disciplines, forcing them to formulate their thoughts as succinctly as possible. Practice shows that the absolute majority of tweets do not contain any thoughts at all. And the nonsense filled and top tweets that read thousands. Twitter replicas are short, scrappy, but not laconic. Because the brevity of talent met even less often than the talent of writing. Moreover, even a person who is able to express himself succinctly, not every thought can express in 140 characters, you just physically need at least a little more.
Another feature that is often called is the ability to write using SMS. At the same time, it is said that for Russia this opportunity works poorly and is advised to use analogues. In any case, this function is very specific and it is difficult to imagine a situation in which it would be necessary.
Or they write that twitter is a way to notify your subscribers about updates in the main blog. Why is this needed if there is rss? Several other features are cited as a reason for using Twitter, but all of them are even less satisfactory than those mentioned. Why is twitter and microblogging generally becoming so popular and becoming more popular?

Some time ago I wrote about breakage of thinking . I wrote that people began to think and speak not with phrases, but with fragments of phrases, that the integrity of thinking disappears, that the very structure of perception of information changes. When I stumble somewhere on the net for a post or comment, consisting of pairs of words that are interspersed with constant dots, I think I was right then. Sometimes I start to think that it is not worth making such global conclusions from such small observations that people still study in universities, write some essays, do some scientific work, and therefore must all have the skills of systems thinking. Be that as it may, Twitter’s popularity is a manifestation of abrupt thinking.

In Twitter breakaway elevated to normal. In essence, this is a global leveling that erases the boundaries between those who can write and those who cannot; between those who have something to say and those who have nothing. There is no difference between the most popular tweets and the most unpopular ones - there is no difference at all - everyone is forced to express himself with scraps of phrases, scraps of thoughts, pieces of words. This is the machine that cuts under itself not just everything that is above the minimum level, but everything that can in principle (!) Be above the minimum level, all for which more than 140 characters are needed.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/58065/

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