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The meeting of the Ural user group .NET

Today, on April 23, 2009, a meeting of the participants of the Ural .NET Users Group was held at the Faculty of Mathematics of the Ural State University (Ural State University). At the meeting, two interesting reports were read on the topics: “Unity Application Block - Unity Container” and “Composite Application Library”. It was very interesting, the details under the cut.

Unity Application Block element overview report - Unity Container

The first report was prepared by Stanislav Chernichkin (Klever IT, programmer). The report was very peculiar about Unity : Stanislav, instead of giving an example and analyzing it, started from the bottom, from the architecture, and laid out all the insides of both Unity itself and the basic Object Builder mechanisms (on Habré there is an interesting article from acerv ). This approach, although it allowed a very deep light on the mechanisms of the framework, but practically did not allow anything to demonstrate in practice that for many, for sure, it would not be superfluous. As a result, Stanislav showed very deep knowledge of the topic, but I had the impression that he was not understood by all and not completely. Yes, and to me a few points were not clear.

Composite Application Library

If the first report lasted a couple of hours for sure, the second one was noticeably shorter. Alexey Kofman (software developer, Extensive) presented a material about the Composite Application Library - a framework that allows you to implement programs with complex, modular interfaces, when, for example, different parts of such an interface are developed by different groups of developers. As a result, the definitions of the constituent parts of the Composite Application Library were given, the mechanism of operation, advantages and disadvantages were described. Alexey showed several examples, including those with Silverlight. This report is shorter than the first one, but it is more understandable and with a large number of demonstrations of both code and running applications.


In general, the meeting was a success. There were many participants, I did not even expect, about 20-25 people. They asked all sorts of questions, there was a discussion of controversial issues, someone shared their experience or made adjustments. The guys Stanislav and Alexey are great, in my opinion, they have prepared very interesting and relevant material.

If this text is read by .net-developers from Ekaterinburg or a region, then join our group, it can be interesting for us.

Progg it

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/58041/

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