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Interview with Vladimir Molodov

Positive interview with interesting questions about freelancing, journalism and work

Vladimir, how did you become a freelancer?

It's simple. The fact is that I live in the provinces, and we often have problems with normal work, not to mention part-time work. Therefore, working as a freelancer for major publications has become the only way to do what you like, without interfering with your studies, while receiving good money.
And how did your career develop, with which publications have you already managed to work?
I think my career is still developing :) I took my first steps in journalism a long time ago: I had to write articles and reviews for the information security team, of which I was then a member. My professional debut took place 1.5 years ago, when my article was published in the local computer publication “Internet Pilot”. After that, for another six months I gained experience in it, learned from my own and others' mistakes, and at the time of passing the next material I was informed that the financing of the journal had stopped and the editorial office was “frozen”. It would seem pretty sad news, but it gave impetus to my development. The same material, namely the interview with the administrator of the portal void.ru , gladly accepted xakep.ru , and after several more of my works were published on it - I became the leader of the “People” column (“Hacking” subsection). Continuing to write for Xakep.ru, I get the idea of ​​creating an electronic journal “Xakep”, having told about it to the site’s editor-in-chief Leonid Bogolyubov - they give me a go-ahead to create the first issue (http://www.xakep.ru/articles/editor/X- magazine01.zip) which I became the chief editor. Continuing to cooperate with the computer edition, I did not forget to discover new horizons for myself, the result of these “discoveries” were my publications on the pages of the site zvuk.nnov.ru , webplanet.ru , and also the magazines: “Globus Tour”, “Molotok”, “ Rest in the Lower ”and“ Xakep ”.

Very good track record :) What is your personal interest in freelancing, if not a secret? And is there a desire to find "office" work? Ride to eight in the morning, at twelve to go for lunch, at eighteen - to go home ...

I like the fact that the fee depends on my beloved =) In the near future, I see no reason to look for office work. Still, it will be harder to combine study with a regular schedule. Although if there is an interesting proposal that suits me and the employer, then why not?

Yeah, so not against the office :) Well, let's move on to your second profession - journalism. What does she like with you?

Very interesting and creative field of activity, where you can show your opinion and work in front of a large audience.

And how did you learn to write? Did it work right away or did you have to read special literature first?

I master journalism gradually, I did not read any special literature, because I think that everything comes with experience and practice :) They say that as a child I did some newspapers and sold it to my grandmother, so the total length of service is great :) When I went to great journalism, the more or less related texts were obtained right away. Of course, they were far from ideal, but still :)

This is understandable :) But in your opinion, what qualities should a journalist have?

Well, for example, a criminal news columnist should have a good sense of humor :) But seriously, you must first of all love and know the topic you are writing about. In journalism, many specializations, and each requires certain qualities. But in general, I would single out optimism and inspiration :)

In any profession there are "pitfalls". What is the most difficult thing for you in journalism?

Each publication has its own corporate identity: someone business, someone more free. Therefore, the first material that I write for a new customer sometimes causes slight complications stylistically. True, with experience, such a hitch occurs less and less.

And here's the question - I can not ask. Do you think anyone can become a journalist? And what should be done by those who wish to realize themselves in this area?

Anyone can become an ordinary journalist, but I think no good one. For this, I think, you need something more than desire. Suppose I want to become a basketball player, but I do not have any data. Of course, the first thing I do is sign up for the section, and with great diligence I do what I love. But, unfortunately, more than becoming a player in the local team, I most likely cannot. Beginners, I advise you to listen to the opinion of the editor, work on your mistakes, and try to write more - then everything will work out.

And what do you personally do to improve your level as a journalist?

I constantly read materials from other journalists, literary classics. I try to try myself in new areas, and, of course, work, work and work again :)

Let's go back to freelancing. How do you usually find customers? Are you constantly looking for new orders?

Since at the moment I work only with publications, their search can begin either from the official media website or with contact information in the journal itself. As for orders, in my case, I invent the topic of the material, coordinate it with the editor, and only after that I start work. Sometimes the editor himself offers the right topic. Most of the correspondence is conducted through ICQ, which means there is always a connection with the editor. Therefore, in search of new orders for a freelance journalist, I think it will be easier than, for example, copywriters on the freelance market.

Now there is an active discussion, what the customer is looking at first when choosing a freelancer. Everyone has a different opinion. What do you think, for what?

It seems to me, first of all - on the portfolio and positive feedback from other customers. Well, for many employers, factors of having a website, the promotion of a freelancer, as well as the fame of the brands with which he worked, play a role.

Well, it’s not always possible to work with well-known brands :) Especially for beginners. What can the customer like, how to arrange it to yourself and accordingly receive the order?

In addition to the factors listed in the previous question, an important role is played by correspondence with the customer. He should feel your care and love =) At the same time, see that you are not just another standard freelancer, but a professional in your field. Here you can advise to read the special literature and sometimes present yourself in the place of the customer - in order to fully understand it.

Are higher fees an incentive for you to do a better job?

Of course not! If only because I, like any freelancer, value the reputation of my name, so I try to do any material at a high level. I have a certain price barrier, below which in most cases I will not undertake the work. But there are exceptions. For example, in the summer I had more free time, and I wanted to try myself in music journalism. Having agreed with the regional music site, I accredited to an extreme music festival, where I spent more than 8 hours on my feet, after which I wrote a rather large report, for which I received only a lot of positive emotions and a photo from Dolphin :)

Then what is work for you - a way to make money, the opportunity to realize yourself or something else?

Most likely, the combination of pleasant with useful =)

I wonder how much time a day you take to work?

I do not have a clear schedule, but, nevertheless, I have never been late with the deadlines. On average, the article takes about 5 hours. As a rule, all materials are written in one breath and at night :)

What are your future plans?

First of all, it is to get a higher education, without it - nowhere. Less distant plans are to add the first chapter of your story and raise the electronic magazine “Xakep” to a new level. As for remote work, then, most likely in the future, I will change it to e-business. But still I will try not to forget about freelancing :)

Many freelancers have slogans, do you have one?

I don’t have a single phrase for all occasions, I think it’s boring. =) Instead, sometimes I remember some funny and optimistic lines from the songs. =)

Your wishes to site visitors?

Always achieve your goals, be confident in yourself, and you will succeed!

Thank you for your responses.

Interviewed by Sersh, author of the project Kadrof.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5800/

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