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IMemcacheClient: non-relationality as a religion

No project is complete without a database. We are used to seeing in it a repository of a multitude of related objects, with a multitude of conditions. This is undoubtedly very convenient, but due to various circumstances, in a loaded system, it is often necessary to resort to other methods, since The number of samples and transactions is limited to modern hardware, and it’s not easy to distribute to multiple servers. In some cases, you can use replication, but this is not a panacea at the moment.

Non-relational storage is a distributed I / O system that allows you to store "key -> value" pairs. Such databases are of two types: stable and unstable. Stable (for example, MemcacheDB, TDB, Hypertable) write data to disk and use a transactional model. Unstable (for example, Memcached) - they store keys in memory only for a while (and do not claim safety).
Unstable is convenient to use for caching and reducing the load on stable ones. There are a lot of final implementations, but I chose Memcached and MemcacheDB. Contrary to the first impression, Memcached can do a lot, much more than writing / reading the result, for which it is used in most cases. Realizing this, I was faced with a shortage of ready-made tools needed for effective industrial development of solutions using such techniques. This is how IMemcacheClient (Improved Memcache Client) was born, it allows you to forget about the implementation and use the interfaces.
Key features and benefits:

The project is very young, but it was written not to be, but to solve urgent problems, with which it copes remarkably well.
I am pleased to consider any ideas, suggestions and bug reports, the development is proceeding at a rapid pace.

Web: code.google.com/p/imemcacheclient-php
Written by kak.serpom.po.yaitsam@gmail.com

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57984/

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