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On the website of "Finam" talked about Web 2.0 in RuNet

Today on the site Finam.ru in the format of the conference clarified the issues of IT-investment in the era of Web 2.0. The choice of the topic suggests that the first surprise before the “web-fanned” phenomenon has been experienced, and now investors openly declare that they are looking for prospects in new horizons. Top managers of two investment companies - Finam and Noruma, heads of Rambler Media , Liveinternet.ru , as well as the editor-in-chief of Webplanet answered the audience’s questions.

Almost immediately after the start, it turned out that the project’s “web-design” did not greatly affect its attractiveness in the eyes of the investor. People with money are primarily interested in mature and high-quality units. But such is just the deficit, admitted CEO of Finam.ru Sergey Mikheev. Moreover, there is a shortage of managers who are capable of working responsibly with investors, said the head of Liveinternet.ru, German Klimenko.

The definition of the term Web 2.0 was made by Rambler Media’s Chief Financial Officer Artur Akopyan: “This is a very conditional name for a set of technologies and the possibilities of using them.” As Web 2.0 makes the Web more interesting for the audience, it is potentially attractive for investors.
The interest of private investors to Runet would not exist if there were no opportunities to get high returns, said the portfolio manager of the Finam - Information Technologies Fund, Alexey Basov. “For example, the profitability of investments in the shares of the Finam-IT Fund reached 42.95% in the first nine months of 2006, this indicator was at the level of 23.47% last February,” he said. At the same time, according to Basov, one cannot exclude the possibility of buying up leading Russian Internet companies by Western investors (not only financial, but also profile ones - Google, Yahoo): “Western giants have money, Russian ones are ready to sell. Another thing that had to buy a few years ago. Now the costs of entering the market in this way are becoming significant even for large foreign corporations. ”

The chief editor of Webplanet, Alexei Andreev, who undoubtedly influenced the emotional background of the conference, linked the arrival of a large investor in Runet with a “new way of not doing anything”. He said that a variety of innovations - in general, "one of the best ways to report on doing nothing." By the way, Alexey was the only one who answered the question about the noteworthy areas of the IT business: “I think the main direction right now is“ raking informational garbage ”.” In his opinion, with the existing state of affairs, services that can get useful information out of chaos can become expensive. In response to a request to cite as an example the most striking projects of the “2.0 era,” the editor-in-chief spoke about the Auto.ru and Eva.ru forums, as well as the Subscribe.ru mailings, pointing out that these are “interesting projects that respect users and their content.

In addition, during the online meeting, experts had time to assess the risks associated with the arrival of politics in Runet, speak about the impact of petrodollars on the cost of IT projects, talk about the prospects of the blogosphere and other interesting things.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5796/

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