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Conference ReMIX 09 through the eyes of turbomilkers

By the will of fate, a delegation of three turbomilers was at the conference of web developers ReMIX 09 . The conference is held by Microsoft in collaboration with its own partners. This year, ReMIX became more intimate - there were only 300 participants, against 1,500 in the past, but this is even good - there were few random people.


Like last year, Steve Ballmer became the megastar of the conference, who was very cheerful (as usual) and talked about the wonderful future of the Internet. And especially about the rich Internet applications (RIA) and how he loves them. By the way, an interesting fact: at the global conference MIX 09 , which was held in Las Vegas, Ballmer was not, and in Moscow he was.

Venue - the exhibition center "Infospace" was not as chic as the "last year's" Column Hall of the House of Unions, but very cozy.
The conference began quite early by Moscow standards and morning coffee helped sleepy participants to wake up.

Dmitry Khalin gave the first keynote speech and promised that there would be no Microsoft advertising at the conference, but only real examples. In my opinion, he did not keep his promise - there were more than enough traditional marketing “oks”, “sighs” and “wow”.

Dmitry Khalin and Mikhail Chernomordikov show the wonders of the Natural User Interface using the example of a multitouch computer from HP. It is a pity that Microsoft Surface will not reach Russia in any way.

Then, with some delay, Ballmer arrived. I understood why there are so many pictures of Ballmer on the Internet - he is a very photogenic man! It was very difficult for me to choose a particular photo, because it turned out a lot of cool photos. By the way, in Flickr there are a lot of photos from the conference, they are easy to find by the remixru tag.

One of the “chips” of the conference was that speakers could ask questions via Twitter.

Dmitry Grishin (CEO of Mail.ru) led the conversation with Steve; he also had to answer questions that Balmer sent. It is a pity that the time for a session of questions from Twitter was not enough. We asked Steve about his vision of the Web 3.0, demanded Expression Studio for Mac, and asked him to express respect to the designers in his famous “Developers!” Style.

I use the photo of the dancing Sergey Polyakov to say that I will not retell the reports in this report. There are a lot of video from the conference remix.ru site and not only from the conference - everything can be viewed. This report is dedicated to vivid impressions. :)

I really remember the story of this brutal man about how they did the children's website of Bibigosh on Silverlight technology. There is, by the way, a separate interview with Yana about this project.

Returning to the impressions, see what chickens began to go to computer conferences. So to sexual programmers is not far away! :)

By tradition, the conference ended with a glass of beer from sponsors Pilsener Urquell.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57957/

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