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Several useful and interesting modules for Drupal

logo Studying Drupal, I often come across new tasks that need to be implemented, and problems that need to be fixed.
Of course, the sites Drupal.ru and Drupal.org are invaluable assistants in all questions and will help to understand almost any task, but today I would like to tell you about some modules and their capabilities so that you do not have to frantically search for answers to your questions when you suddenly need such functionality. Perhaps you will not learn anything new from this topic, but I will still try.

Let's start in order.

Automatic Nodetitles

Project page
When creating a new type of material in Drupal, you cannot remove the “Title” field or specify its default value, but in this case, the Automatic Nodetitles module will help us, which will hide and automatically generate the contents of the header field for the selected material type based on your instructions. You can customize the header generation depending on any value, or just make the same header for all materials of the same type.

Available for Drupal 4,5,6.

Custom breadcrumbs

Project page

Allows you to configure the so-called "bread crumbs" for any type of material based on the SSC, for example, "Home> User Blog> 2009> April" , easily synchronizing them with different views ( Views ) or aliases of the Pathauto module .

Available for Drupal 5.6.

Community Tags

Project page

The module allows users to add tags for certain types of materials themselves, creating their own tag cloud for each post (ala "Collect your own leprosy").
It has many uses, for example, you can subscribe to an event by adding your own name to post tags.

Available for Drupal 5.6.

Author taxonomy

Project page

The module allows you to specify when creating a material at once several authors and automatically creates a dictionary of them. Of course, almost the same can be implemented using standard CCK + Taxonomy tools, but this module as a result turns out to be much more convenient.

Available for Drupal 5.6.

Conditional fields

Project page

Quite an important addition to the CCK module, allows you to create dependent fields that become visible only when a certain value of another field. By the way, the field "climbs" into the world with quite beautiful animation and fading.

Available for Drupal 5.6.

Node expire

Project page

It allows each type of material or each specific material to indicate the time when it “loses its strength”, that is, it will become completely hidden from users, but will not be removed. Convenient for all ads.
It is configured in the properties of each individual type of material.

Available for Drupal 5.6.


Project page

A very powerful mailing list and subscription module, has many settings that take into account almost everything that is needed; at the same time, it allows users to quite simply subscribe to all materials of one type or to each material separately (including content updates).

Available for Drupal 5.6.

Nice menus and jquery menu

Nice Menus Project Page | JQuery Menu Project Page

Two modules that make the navigation menu of your site more convenient. The jQuery Menu allows you to quickly collapse / expand menu items with AJAX (after updating the menu status pages are not saved), while Nice Menus adds you convenient and beautiful menus with pop-up left-to-right-bottom sub-items. In all browsers, except for IE6, it works on pure CSS, for IE some scripts are added.
In rare cases, Nice Menus broke my layout, I could not find out the reason.

Both modules are available for Drupal 6. There is a nice menus version for Drupal 5.

Collapsible Text

Project page

Allows you to add tags to each input format [collapse] [/ collapse]; text entered between tags will be collapsed / collapsed when clicking on a title. Text can be collapsed by default using [collapse collapsed]. To replace the standard caption label with your own, you need to use any of the header tags (h1-h6) after the first tag.
This text is very fond of users of the forums on the type of IP Board, as it resembles the tags [offtop] and [spoiler].

Personal observations: If you insert an extra empty line between paragraphs inside the compressed text, but the tag is interrupted. However, if you absolutely need this line, insert a tag at the end of a paragraph.
  </ li> 
and the required pass will appear without interrupting the tag.

Available for Drupal 5.6.

Tabs + Views Tabs + CCK Fieldgroup Tabs

Tabs Project Page
Views Tabs Project Page
Project page CCK Fieldgroup Tabs

These three modules will allow you to add tabs to any type of material (group of fields) or any presentation. Actually, if you understand Views and CCK, then no problems will arise.

Modules are available for Drupal 6.
Views Tabs and CCK Fieldgroup Tabs are for Drupal 5.

Good luck with your work with Drupal. :)
If you have any questions - write in the comments or in lichku.
Or immediately on Drupal.ru , they will definitely help you there.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57940/

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