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Webby.ru sold for $ 1 and a box of beer


According to the company HeadHunter , the social network webby.ru was sold for $ 1 in cash and a box of beer.

Buyers - Ruslan Pilin , Yuri Pitsishin and Alexander Shvid, who previously worked at HeadHunter and were engaged in the development of social networks.
Initially, the company planned to close the project, as it notified the users, but later received offers to purchase the service. As a result, it was decided to sell Webby for a nominal fee to people who worked in the project.

New owners are planning to rebrand, change the name and positioning of the site.

Whether such a rebirth of a social network will be successful - time will tell.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57847/

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