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Im history sync

Having read habrahabr.ru/company/evernote/blog/57807 , an idea on sabzh arose (although it was touched on in paragraph 4).

I often sit with different computers and want to keep everything in one place. Fortunately, Jaber from qip and google knows how to store history in itself, but ICQ is not :(.
If this does not exist, then I express the idea of ​​implementation:
1 - this is a plug-in for Miranda, quig inform and pidgin - it sends history in a special notebook every 5-30 minutes.
2 - this is a synchronizer program - you specify a folder with logs and it fills itself.

At the very hands, they will hardly write, maybe someone will come in handy.
Ideas? Suggestions?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57843/

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