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How to catch a profitable topic

For most of those who work on the Internet, this question is actually everyday. How to find a profitable and promising topic? How to determine the demand? How to see direct and indirect competitors? Half a life is not enough for a full-fledged study of each emerging idea. I will describe in this post two simple ways that I successfully apply myself:

1. Feed the trolls.

Trolls in this context is an office plankton, a mass of people of various specializations, who hang out on the forums and represent for us a fairly representative sample. Simply put, the trolls are those who, in response to each more or less meaningful message, write “Gyy, LOL, Zhzhosh” and so on. Those of them who have not yet completely lost the connection of the brain with the fingers of their hands can write something more developed, but in the sense reduced to the mockery of the author.
Our goal - get as many of these “LOLs” as possible. Who cares - flush through the comments and see how many such answers there are :-)

What's the point? The meaning is very simple: all the achievements of modern progress were attributes of comics in the recent past. Automobile engines on the water, video cameras with buttons, humanoid robots, implantation of microcircuits in the brains of animals, and everything else that is published on serious thematic sites - for many, just yesterday was fiction. Well, for someone the listed examples are still news - google, something, so as not to be ashamed :-)

So, the meaning is very simple: no one will perceive the well-known and mastered idea as an April Fool's joke. Because it is known and not funny. And vice versa - if it is funny, then most likely it is not known. We put a plus sign on our idea.

2. Provocation, or how it's made ?!

This item is best explained with an example close to the majority of readers. Suppose you decide to launch a new blog engine or sape-site generator. The goal of which is to effectively increase the link mass, so that Google does not ban :-) Before you get down to business, make a small and awesomely beautiful and interesting blog by hand. Give it a unique design and structure, design posts, add all the subtleties that only come to your mind. Naturally, without thinking about the technical implementation - just do it all manually. Write interesting and complete texts on the chosen topic, put the necessary links.

And then apply to the forums with such a message: they say, I’m writing bloggerglobe here, it allows you to create such sites (link) in 10 minutes with your left hind leg. Moreover, 9 minutes out of 10 are spent on uploading files to FTP and configuring configs. Like, do you think it is an interesting idea?

If you hit the mark - you just won’t believe what a huge flurry of shit will pour at you in return. Why? Because people sit and make such blogs for months, grow each one of them as their own child. And here comes some pepper and says that he does the same with his left back foot in 10 minutes? Here is a bastard!

People will gnash their teeth and heavily water you rudeness. Trolling will be added - ridiculing your ideas, and direct criticism, and links to certain famous personalities who did the same, but Google banned them and many more terrible events happened right up to the universal flood on their own head. There will be dozens of answers about newbies (newbies) who climb into this business and make govnosayty. And so on. We read and put the second plus sign in our list of ideas.

Of course, there are still a million ways to understand the demand for this or that venture. The main thing - do not forget that smart people are also sitting on the other side of the screen. And maybe they play with you too.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57819/

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