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Freedom of the European Internet under threat

blackout europe
Act now!
Internet access without convention

Everyone who owns a website has an interest in protecting the free use of the Internet ... this also applies to those who use Google or Skype ... everyone who expresses his opinion freely, who does research of any kind, whether it is personal health problems or academic work ... everyone who makes purchases online ... who meets online ... visits social networks ..., listens to music ... watches videos ...
The Internet, as we know it, is in danger because of the new rules proposed by the EU at the end of April. According to the new rules, broadband providers will legally be able to limit the number of websites you visit and tell you whether or not access to a particular service is allowed. This will be called "new consumer options", from which users will choose. People will be offered packages like satellite (cable) television - with a limited number of options for change.

It turns out that the Internet will be divided, and your ability to access a certain segment of it may be strictly limited. This solution will create “Internet access packages” that do not correspond to the ways we use the worldwide network today. This is explained by the fact that the Internet allows you to freely exchange information, without intermediaries (state or company), and this increases the opportunities of citizens, but in the meantime, industries lose power and control. That is why they are pushing governments to make such changes.

The excuse is to shield streams of music, movies, and other entertainment content from reputable pirates who download it all for free using P2P technology. However, the real victims of this decision are all Internet users with their democratically independent access to information and cultural benefits.

Think about how you use the Internet! What would mean to you if free access to the Internet was abolished?
Nowadays, the Internet is a part of life and freedom. These are shopping, theater tickets ... vacations, training, job searching, banking and trading. It is also entertainment - dating, chat, invitations, music, hobbies, humor, and for someone even Second Life. It is a tool to express, to collaborate, to innovate, to share, to stimulate new business ideas, to reach new market heights - to flourish without intermediaries.

Have you thought about your web address? And if people do not have this address in their "boxed Internet" - they will not be able to find you. This means that they will not be able to buy, read, register, or even consider you online on your website. Your business will not be able to grow, you will not be able to find suppliers of goods and compare prices. If you get any money from ads on your site, they will decrease. Yes, there is Amazon and others like it, they will be all right, they will be included in the "package." But your ads on Google or any other website will be less and less effective. Skype may be blocked. (In Germany, iPhone users no longer have access to it). Small businesses can literally disappear, especially the niches of professionals or artisans.

If nothing is done, we may lose the free and open use of the Internet. Our freedom (choice in information, market, culture, pleasure) will be reduced. EU proposals contain a huge risk for our future. They are going to translate it into laws, and then it will be impossible to turn everything back. People (even members of the European Parliament who vote for this) do not really seem to be aware of all the consequences and legal changes wrapped up in something called the “Telecommunications Package”, which is supposedly aimed at the welfare of people, but in reality - corporations.

However, in reality, still hiding from the eyes of the public, an amendment about the way the Internet will work in the future! An article that expresses your rights to access and distribute content, services, and applications is deleted. And the article being introduced says that providers should only inform you about any limits or restrictions on your broadband connection. Alternative versions use the word "terms" - and it is seriously suggested that you be provided with terms of use of the Internet Services. At first glance, everything seems perfectly acceptable, except that now providers will have the legal right to restrict your access or impose conditions. If the Telecommunications Package is adopted, it will not be possible to change anything.

UPD : due to the fact that the site has a source of problems with traffic, here are some more links:
  1. telekompaketet.se
  2. Slashdot
  3. Telecom TV
  4. Facebook group

UPD2 : a poster with a link to the swedish version of this document is already on day 2 on the main page of The Pirate Bay

UPD3 : Victory for EU Citizens! Amendment 138 was voted again.

Strasbourg, April 21, 2009 - And once again the European Parliament has demonstrated that it can resist pressure and advocated for the rights and freedoms of citizens. Amendment 138 (now renumbered amendment 46) was adopted today by the Industry, Research and Energy Committee in Strasbourg.

UPD4 : News covered by media - Reuters

Translation of an article from http://blackouteurope.eu/

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57782/

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