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Perfect NAS - Synology DS209 +

Rarely, but it happens that I write about perfect devices. Well, or almost perfect, because, as you know, the ideal is unattainable. But some manufacturers are so eager for him that writing reviews of such devices is a real pleasure!


Today we will talk about such a device as the Synology DS209 + - while this is the last of the NAS-s, which I will write. Review, traffic .

Who is closely following my articles, he remembers that this is not the first article about network drives. Yes, indeed - I already have something to compare with and share with you.
If someone in my every post sees a solid advertisement - let it be so, if it makes it easier for you :) The Internet is full of other more authoritative sources and you can compare all my articles with objectivity to them.
To all the rest I offer a wonderful alternative to network drives, which may make sense to dwell on.

Synology has existed since April 2000 and specializes exclusively in data storage systems. In our harsh lands, the products of this company are not so common - even, it seems, there is no representation in Russia. However, to meet the devices themselves on the shelves of shops is rare, but possible.

February, meeting.


When we met, he was in a box of the most ordinary black and white “boxed” color. There were no catchy slogans on it. With plastic handle for transportation.


Took the handle and dragged off) Already at home, after a cup of tea, everything fell into place:

- Synology DS209 + Server;
- AC power supply and network cable;
- Patch cord 2m long;
- 2 SATA cables;
- A set of cogs, manual, promotional brochures, CDs.


Finally, the adapter met with standard connectors - a step towards versatility. There are two cable loops and they are of different lengths - thanks to this, after assembling the system, there will be no interlacing of wires, etc.
There is no complete manual, as such, in paper form. But there is an A4 folder (bent in half to fit into the box), where the personal letter to the client, business card for technical support, some booklets and a disk. On the disk - photos in high resolution, instructions for the device and admin panel, product information.


A 800 MHz processor (Freescale PowerPC 8533E) and 512 MB of (DDR2) memory hid inside the device. The letter “E” in the marking means lower heat emission ... it is so small that it does not require separate active cooling (and this has a positive effect on the noise of the work). Full list of specifications:



The device is very compact, a little more than a loaf of bread. To be more precise, the dimensions (in mm) of the device are 181 (H) x 88 (W) x 218 (D). All this with a weight of 1 kg (without discs).


Made of black matte plastic. The front panel is divided vertically into two parts - the empty left (it is matte) and the glossy right, on which the functional elements are located. From top to bottom: 4 indicators with signatures (general system status, network and disk status). Ideally, everything should be lit in green, otherwise (if there are no sections or there is a failure in them; if the free space is less than 1 GB), orange. Regardless of what color is on, the indicators are not blind at all, even if the server is on the desktop.


Below is the USB (2.0) port for external devices. Insert, for example, a USB flash drive (FAT / NTFS) and press the C button (Copy; located right under the USB port) - everything, after a while all the information from the USB flash drive will be on the disk! Very comfortable, though not new. Below is the eSATA port.
At the bottom is the on / off button of the device (with a large blue indicator) and the model name. Everything.

On the sides there is nothing, except, perhaps, plastic round inserts with the name of the company.


On the back there is a silent 70-mm fan (with automatic adjustment of the rotation speed, depending on the temperature; 3 rotation speeds). Under it - two more USB (2.0) ports and a gigabit connector for connecting to the network; anti-theft connector for Kensington lock, reset-hole and "mother" for power.


What I liked about the last element is a small plastic stop that allows you to carefully fasten the cord so as not to accidentally pull out the power, or so that it does not rest against the wall. Here is a study to the smallest detail!


Outwardly, I have no complaints - made to last! All this steadily costs on 4 rubber legs.


Preparatory work

In order for the device to fully work, you need to insert into it want to 1 hard drive (maximum - two). The specification says that the maximum total volume so far is 2TB, but more recently the news arrived that the new firmware supported disks with a capacity of 2 TB each (from WD) - thus the maximum at the moment is 4 TB. Great, of course, but I used two disks of only 500 GB each) Seagate Barracuda 7200.11


Opens the box with his hands, without any tools. It is necessary to move one part of the "loaf" relative to the other and everything, the place for hard drives becomes available.


Each disk is fixed with 4 screws (2 on each side), after which they are powered and cables.



Again, the manufacturer thought about the details - the length of the wires is perfectly calculated. However, if one of the wiring fails, finding the same will be problematic. And if you really get to the bottom, it would be great if you didn't need a screwdriver at all, i.e. replace conventional screws with large-head screws. I think you can try foreign screws, but I did not.


Everything, we close the device, we connect a network wire and food, we put in a secluded corner. What would no one uvolok.

Turn on and work

If two disks are used and the power cord is connected, then in total after switching on 5 LEDs will light up - 4 green and 1 blue (power). The fan is very quiet - the total noise is about 25 dB.
In operation mode, the device consumes 33 watts, in idle mode - 18. The device can operate from an uninterruptible power supply.


This is perhaps the most interesting thing to talk about. More precisely, it needs to be shown, but it is much better to see it all 1 time. I will not post all screenshots (more than 60) - download it with the archive and see) You can also download a color 70-page document (in Russian), which tells in detail about all the features of the product.

So, it all starts with finding the device by software. Insert the disc, click " Install Synology Drive ".


In the next window, specify the path to the * .pat file (it is on disk or can be downloaded from the Internet, this is the firmware file). We choose manual setting or automatic (the second is simpler, but manual is always more interesting; in the auto-mode the administrator password is not specified).


Next, the administrator's login and password, network settings, time zone and time are set (screens 2,3, 4 and 5 in the archive). In the next step, the hard drives are formatted (Ext3 file system; 6.png in the archive).

All is ready. We launch the browser and get into ... no, not in the admin area, but on a beautiful login form.


Hooray, we are in the same admin panel. Made very high quality (using technology AJAX), it has a tree structure. Everything is divided into two parts - on the left are the settings sections, on the right - the settings themselves. Periodically pop-up (in the same window) windows in which additional settings are indicated.


In the first settings folder I select information. As you can see from the screenshot, there is more than enough information - the server name, network settings, time and date, firmware version, information about disks and their temperature.


The logs tab contains information about the operation of the device - when it turned on or off, who and when logged on. The log can be cleared, saved, sorted in the desired order. And all this without reloading the page. (Screens 10 and 11 in the archive).

The network settings indicate approximately the same as in the initial configuration. Unless, you can enable jumbo frame support (if this is appreciated by the network device through which the NAS is connected). (12.png in the archive)

More than 15 admin interface languages ​​are supported - all this is selected on the corresponding tab. You can also separately specify the language of the letters of mail notifications and the code page. New languages ​​appear in new firmware. (13.png in the archive)

If you look at 14.png, you will see that the system offers us on the time settings tab :) It can be specified manually or synchronized with the time server with the set period.

You can configure notifications that will be emailed to the administrator in case of an error (there are primary and secondary emails). Secure connections and authentication are supported. By the way, initially the mail server function in the device is not present, but the corresponding package can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. Like a couple of interesting add-ons.


On the power tab, you can specify when the device should turn on and off, after what time go into sleep mode - for all this there is a convenient scheduler. You can also say a smart piece of hardware, so that in the event of a power failure, it reboots itself.


On the following tabs in this section, you can return everything to the factory settings and update the firmware. Screens 17 and 18 in the archive.

The device can be added to the Windows domain and shared with users of the domain. Active Directory Service (ADS) is supported. There is a function of the "network basket" - in case the user deletes something, this file will fit in the special folder #recycle of the same shared folder. Cleared the basket through the admin panel.

In the next folder of the settings tree, you can control the user access rights. By the way, in Synology devices there can be no more than 2048. If you consider that on average there are 200 apartments in the houses, and each of them will use their account, the device will be enough for the whole area :) You can create groups, their number is limited the number 256.
The maximum number of simultaneous connections (SAMBA, FTP, AFP) is limited to the same digit. Public folders can not be more than 200.


In the “Storage” folder of the settings, you can enable writing to the disk cache (to improve performance) as well as organize a RAID array on the disks in the window that appears.



I was surprised that the SMART test can be performed directly from the admin panel, not to mention just viewing this information.


On the tab of the network services you can properly podzastryat - settings sea.
The same FTP server can not just be turned on and off (as in the case of Thecus devices; look for recent reviews) - it is possible to limit the number of connections, speed. Port settings, blocking specific addresses; addresses whose owners can not log in and begin to brut :) By the way, you can include anonymous users.


Web services is a separate tale. Indeed, the magic) But more on that later.
In the meantime, just turn on the photo-video album, website, audio and file stations.


There is support for recording from IP cameras (specifically, there can be no more than 10 of them on this device). On the other tabs, you can be an iTunes-server, enable Telnet and SSH. (Screenshots 29-32 in the archive)




The backup function is implemented very intelligently (even if you do not think so, you can always put the software from a third-party developer - Acronis True Image, Symantec Backup Exec or EMC Retrospect). There is a simple mode (for example, to backup every day at one in the morning) and a complex one - with detailed settings for each day, time and frequency.


You can save both to the disk itself and to a similar server (for which you just need to specify its IP and data for authorization). Moreover, the reservation can take place with encryption.

By the way, all admin settings can be saved and restored.

Web services

Now let's talk about what was postponed. These are web services (using fully functional Apache with PHP and MySQL). If after we have walked through the admin panel, log out, then we will see a new look for the login form:


Having re-entered, it is possible for the sake of interest to look into the ship's logbook - many new records have appeared in it.


Also changed some other tabs. On the same page of information is now a visual progerss bar showing the percentage of free space on the created section.

File station

This web service is designed to work with all sorts of files. Initially, there are only three folders - music, photo and web (and where is Video?) - you can add any files to the folder via the browser (no more than 10 at a time).


Already, of course, everything is not as beautiful as in the admin panel, but not bad either) There are not enough speed and time indicators.

After files are uploaded, they can be moved, renamed, copied, deleted and sorted, all in checkbox mode.

In general, such a photo file upload. If you think over the categories and names of folders in advance, you can get excellent file storage (music by style, movies by genre, software by purpose). Files from the disk itself (not uploaded through File-Station) can be viewed by entering the login and password specified in the admin menu.

Audio station

Here I was very surprised. Going to this section of the server (if the admin gives access;)), before the user's eyes, instead of the usual Winamp, it will appear ... almost the same player! Only in the web interface! It does not slow down, it supports different playback modes, volume, search. By the way, you can listen to the music (MP3, AAC, FLAC, M4A, OGG Vorbis, WMA, WMA VBR) that were downloaded in the previous service. Internet broadcast available.


Right there on the library tab you can manage playlists (M3U, WPL).



This built-in service will delight the happy owners of unlimited Internet - as the name implies, it is intended for downloading files.

You can upload a file with links, or separately add links (including authorization).


Supported downloads from HTTP and FTP. There is support for BT and eMule networks, as well as NZB (as I understand it, is it something like downloading different files from news conferences?)




Photo Station (Web-Station)

What this web service works with is clear from the title - of course, with bare aunts) in the sense, with their photos) or video. But among other things, the service allows you to start a full blog.



Initially, there are no photo albums - you need to go to the admin area. Photos are uploaded to the Photo folder of the File Station service.


A blog is very similar to WordPress, but it seems not to be) There is an opportunity to edit blog parameters, as well as some modules - up to Adsense!


The structure of the blog is flexibly edited, something like this (drag'n'drop!):


You can create and edit individual accounts - who can and can not. If the network has (and there is now) a website, several people will be able to update it.


The actions of users are monitored by the big brother:


What is nice - there can be as many as 30 such sites (virtual hosts are added in a couple of clicks in the admin panel).

If you have any questions, you can always read such detailed help here:


That's it! But that's not all ... by calling us and placing an order while this transmission is in progress, you will get ...) For those who carefully watched all the pictures above, you could have noticed at the very beginning that you could choose other items besides the server installation. In particular, Synology Data Replicator 3 is delivered with all this miracle, which will help to make backup copies of files separately from the web interface.



Very flexible settings - the final location of the files (disks or server), the ability to apply filters, notification by mail. You can create multiple files (useful, for example, for those who draws something or develops.

The Synology Download Redirector program will help to understand the downloaded files. I did not feel it, because I do not shake a lot.



In general, the engineers at Synology did a great job, from the heart. Moreover, they continue to do this - the firmware comes out at intervals of a month (of which users are notified by mail), and the lists of changes are impressive. Recently, a letter arrived here stating that 2TB disks and 9 more new SSD models were being supported. By the way, screenshots of all windows were made on the factory firmware, in the new something was added).

The speed of work at a good level is about 30Mb / s for writing and about 40Mb / s for reading (RAID-0). About speed . And more .

Even the site of the company is brought to mind - there is all the necessary information. Solid five for everything!

Check weighing

- Good appearance, high-quality materials, reasonable design;
- Detailed illustrated (color) documentation, including in Russian;
- Silent operation, device indicators do not dazzle;
- Support for disks with a capacity of 2 TB;
- The best admin panel I've ever seen;
- A huge number of settings and services, ease of use;
- Ability to add third-party applications (works on Linux);
- High speed and low power consumption;
- Updated with an enviable constancy of the firmware.
- No hot swap drives;
“A metal case would be better than a plastic one.”

Considering that hot-swapping is rarely found anywhere (from low-end devices), and it's extremely cool in plastic skins, there are no minuses as such! And if we take as an advantage the ability to download files using different protocols, listen to music through the browser ... then there will be something unreal. I don’t even know yet what I would like to add to this device ... at the moment it meets absolutely all my requirements.



Specifically, this device is designed for small organizations, but I use it at home.
The price of 16 thousand rubles (there are cheaper, "home" options) for such a device, I consider acceptable (albeit high), because devices of this class from other manufacturers are sometimes more expensive. But in most cases, they don’t even have half of the capabilities that Synology offers.
Especially in most cases, you only get a NAS, and here - a full-fledged server with a considerable number of other features. But how NAS this product is different!
As I have already said, the engineers know their business and have worked hard - for the aforementioned amount you will get a full-fledged, well-crafted server. If desired, and certain skills, knowledge, you can add to the system the functionality you need - the dream of any serious admin.
If you are interested - I strongly advise you to go through the company's website - well, or at least look at this table . The range of products includes both cheaper devices (for the home) and more expensive (for companies) - but their functionality is impressive everywhere.

Of all the NAS that I have reviewed so far, this one is the best. Definitely advise!

ps Tayle company, a large network distributor supplying products to Russia, including Thecus, drew attention to my previous reviews of their devices and offered to come to the presentation of new products that await us in the very near future. It was very interesting, something I liked (the smallest NAS in the world on two disks), but the end of the event was most memorable - they played three prizes.
In the eyes of five dozen journalists, I won one of the three) It turned out to be a four-disk server. I am terribly pleased, but for the time being, probably there will not be a review - there are no disks)


If someone really needs - write, discuss) And morality - do not hesitate to attend such events!

In the near future, articles are no longer foreseen - clouds thickened in the university :) I will consider any proposals for work after the session: - [


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57772/

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