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Yandex.Subbotnik: Search

For the second time, Yandex employees prepared a great event, where I received useful information, talked to my friends and new, interesting, familiar. If last time I exhausted more than a dozen pages in a notebook, then this time I actively wrote tweets, notes and photos on Twitter , and perhaps my stream of tweets was the first lengthy report on Russian tweets. Again, my task now is not to transcribe what happened on the Subbot, only my impressions.

Immediately pictures:
From Rostislav Orlov
From Maxim Rukomoynikov
From Yandex itself

UPD - reports already posted, the video will be at the end of the week.
This time I arrived almost half an hour before the start of the first report. Having greeted my acquaintances, having drunk a cup of coffee and having eaten a couple of the freshest puffs, I just managed to take my place by the beginning of the first report.

The first word was taken by Bogdan Garkushin, with the report “Methods of organizing a search on the site using Yandex tools”.

We were told, and partially showed all three types of search from Yandex, which we, on various contractual terms, can use on our websites, servers and in our networks. This report was valuable to me only because I listened to the questions and answers to them, because I was quite actively working with all three types of search from Yandex.

And I still work with XML. It helps to prepare analytics at the end of the week for a report.

Then Alexey Baitin and Alexey Osipenko took the floor with the report “Means for checking spelling in web applications”.

Alexey Baytin.

Alexey Osipenko

The guys are preparing a really interesting spelling for form validation in browsers. Judging by the promises of Alekseev, the service will be quite serious about spelling from Google and the spelling dictionary from Firefox. We'll see, it’s not so long before the release, although, according to the assurances of the developers themselves, the work there is still no end.

Alexey Baytin first shared the theoretical part, as Aleksey Osipenko said later, part of the epic, and he himself spoke about the technical component of the service.

For example, on modern browsers, the service will allow you to check up to 1,500 words, and on IE6-7, old FF and Opera, only up to 300. Users will receive an alert with a warning if there are more words.

The appearance of the spell checker can be customized almost infinitely, and the whole appeal to the servers of Yandex is one small function.

By the way, they called it Speller.

Then there was a report Artem Vorozhtsov "Search the site: smart tips."


I’ll say right away, it’s quite possible, after a while, Yandex will lose the “Search” button on ya.ru , because the scheme that Artyom offers, and most importantly implements, does not really need this button. It makes no sense to talk about it, I recommend to look and read the reports in a week.

But honestly, I really want that all this would be implemented and implemented as early as possible, for me it would make the search faster, more accurate and convenient.

In the photo, by the way, you can partially understand what I mean.

Then Dmitry Agafonov puzzled my head with the report “Search for phrases in documents of the Yandex Advertising Network”.

I must immediately say that this report was almost certainly the most useful and informative, but because of its usefulness, it was difficult to read, especially after a long and tasty break, and almost at the end of Subbotnik. In my opinion, the report should have been allowed a little earlier, with a fresh mind.

After 40 minutes of hard attention, we were taken aback by the expected phrase - “in general, all this is only 2-3% of the full picture.” We were shown the very beginning and some basics. The technology, which was shown to us, Dmitry called, albeit indirectly, unique.

The point of the plan of Dmitry’s report is “many letters (pictures will be)”.

And for a tasty snack - “How is a blog search arranged” by Anton Volnukhin and Roman Ivanov, who are practically interrupting each other?

Anton Volnukhin

Roman Ivanov

They told about what blog search is now, what will happen to it tomorrow and what are the plans for the day after tomorrow. There are a lot of ideas, a lot of assurances that Yandex in this case is only a measure of public opinion, and in no case there is no censorship. Briefly told what is necessary in order to get into the few, so far, Yandex. Blogs ratings. In general, it is very interesting, and the liveliest communication was precisely on this report.

Anton usually gave information about the service itself, and Roman more about his position as a service. Although, as I wrote above, they almost interrupted each other, a lot of information, not all useful, but it is interestingly horror.

A few short quotes, or conclusions from this report.

By the way, if you are at 97962 place in the rating of Yandex. Blogs - do not worry, because you are in 2% of the most active Russian-speaking bloggers.

Specially before Subbotnik, on Friday evening, that in Yandex is a move, they posted all the Yandex.blogs API - http://api.yandex.ru/blogs

33% of blog site posts are spam.

Yandex FOAF Scheme is the most popular RDF protocol in the global network, partly due to the fact that LJ supported it.

Roman Ivanov believes that all Yandex services should be open and transparent, “Yandex is not a mouthpiece” (c)

Enough about the program, a little about the little things, without which the impression would not have been so rosy.

At the very end of Subbotnik, a sultry brunette interviewed Roman Ivanov. I wonder where she is from?

In the hall was a comrade who was photographing all the slides. If you see them on the network, do not watch, do not spoil the impression with a screen - at the end of the week they will be fully posted, along with the video.

And in general, Roman Ivanov performed the role of a friend, Alexander Abramovich, as Timur called him.

Next to me sat a guy who had been rocking something for about forty minutes from ftp.freebsd.org

In front of me sat a girl with a wonderful figure.

This time the pen from Yandex is red and the notebook has become more decent, with Elk.

Before Dmitry’s report, a technical breakdown occurred, and Bobuk, Roman Ivanov and Timur entertained us and answered our questions. True, Bobuk did not answer why he didn’t follow me on Twitter. Bobuk, why? By the way, with the day of cooking.

And yet, some got these calendars.

Many thanks to Julia. By the way, she said that everything will be laid out on Friday. said into the microphone from the stage, so there was not much time to wait.

As a summary.

Clean-up was a success, I got from him almost everything I wanted.
The speakers, most of them terribly huddled and shy. Guys! You are so much in the topic of your work that forget about shame in front of an audience and tell and tell. We do not care that you sometimes lost, eeeekali or you had a problem with the technique.
Baking again was too much, but better a lot than a little. And quickly ran out of juice.

As you can see, there are very few minuses, almost none, some pluses and a sea of ​​positive mood, coupled with a huge amount of useful information (which was not only during the reports, but also during the simple communication).

PS - well, and how on Subbotnik, and I'm without a mop?

Photos gave @Kenobius , larger pictures and other pictures can be viewed here - http://www.flickr.com/photos/kenobi360/sets/72157616951133559/

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57747/

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