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VKontakte and personal data!

Perhaps I have paranoia, but I have always tried to keep as little personal data as possible on various Internet resources. So it was with the popular "social sphere" vKontakte. All that I have left about myself is gender, nickname and political views. The page was actively filled with photos, meetings, personal audio content (I am a musician). Conducted an active correspondence with numerous users of this site.

A year later, namely yesterday, I saw on my page an inscription from the "creators": " Information on this side of the page can not be seen. ".

I am required to fill in the fields "name" and "last name" according to the passport data.

Clicking on the link, I saw the inscription: " Part of the information on the data of the party can be wrong. Demonstration of the message in the field of validity of user-entered data. Which of the users thinks that my data is incorrect - I do not know. All my friends are vkontakte or personal acquaintances, or people who have sent me a request.
The page "policy in the field of reliability ..." (http://vkontakte.ru/topic1562682) tells that my account can be fake (fake), that I can be a schoolboy (the percentage of which has increased) who simply do not understand why was the site created (and it was first distributed ONLY in the elite universities of the country). And in general, the whole topic is written in negative and unpleasant colors, I would say even offensive.

I do not consider myself to be either a schoolboy or a fake account owner. On my page there is my photo, only I did not indicate my first name and surname. The fact that I do not want to provide my personal data to the site owners does not say that my page is fake.

But at the same time, according to the current user agreement, I am breaking the rules.

So I wanted to ask the users. What do you think of it? Should the site administration fight undesirable content (spam, viruses, porn) by forcing all users to leave their personal data?

Maybe it will be necessary to leave a scan of your passport and your IIN?

PS Now I corrected my page (I entered my name and patronymic). Sent a request. Waiting for an answer. But the sediment, as they say, remained. And I'm on the verge of simply deleting my account.

By the way, many of my friends who use Facebookbook have never heard of such problems. They can leave only the name, and in the field "last name" write, for example, " K. ".

PS №2 Hike topic zaminusovali. On Habré love minusovat :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57744/

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