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Czech! The process of obtaining a residence permit

As promised, by popular demand, I will describe the process of emigration to the Czech Republic and what difficulties and nuances I encountered upon arrival!

Today, there are several ways to obtain a residence permit in the Czech Republic. I will dwell on one of them as much as possible.

Options for action

1) You got a job in any company and this company prepared all the necessary visa documents for you. But this method is now the most difficult and risky, since in a crisis it is necessary to employ the Czechs in the first place, so you probably will not get a visa.
2) You are given a visa based on business activities. Type you here in the Czech Republic, open the PI and on this basis receive a visa. But the Czechs do not really like IPeshnikov, so this method is also risky for the poet. That is, the chance to get a refusal for this visa increases significantly.

3) And the last way we dwell on in more detail is a visa based on business in the Czech Republic. You open a SRO company (our LLC) and on this basis receive your first annual business visa.


So, first of all, answer one question: are you ready to invest all or the lion's share of your savings in the Czech economy to start a business? If the answer is in the affirmative, then it is worth understanding what you will earn for living, and what kind of business it will be, and whether it is worth working at all on the Czech market or, for example, outsourcing to the Russian one. Everyone has to answer these questions for himself, and nobody here can advise anything good. Think about what is closer to you, what is interesting to do, if you have the necessary funds to start such an activity and act on this basis! Write a business plan in the end!

Most of our compatriots in the Czech Republic are engaged in real estate services and issues of migration of compatriots to the Czech Republic, just such a company you will need at the stage of preparing documents and opening a company.


- The first thing you need to determine for yourself is who will be engaged in opening a company for you. As I wrote above, there are a lot of companies that deal with similar issues. Such firms are all called "otkryvkami", because it is she who will open the company and prepare documents for a visa. Ideally, of course, it’s better that you would be helped by acquaintances or friends, but I didn’t have such an opportunity.

- The difficulty of choosing a company that will prepare documents for you is that not everyone approaches this issue in good faith or not everyone has the necessary experience in this full of nuances of their business. Here we must ask for advice from those who have already moved and have experienced all of them.

- Examine all possible information about moving. On the Russian-Czech forums gid.cz and forum.immigration.cz you will find all the necessary texts for awareness. Read them carefully before you move to the Czech Republic.

- After selecting the "opener" you will be sent a questionnaire to all the co-founders of the company, which will need to be filled. According to my observations, the co-founders should not be more than three people, even better than two. You will also need to sign and send all the powers of attorney to the opener, the list will be sent to you.

- As soon as you send all powers of attorney, certificates of non-conviction in Russia and you make an advance payment almost nothing depends on you. Now it only remains to wait for a set of documents for obtaining a visa.

Documents and cost

The cost of opening a company with “openers” varies from 1,200 to 2,500 euros. Moreover, the quality of services may not be directly proportional, but even vice versa. Here the choice is purely individual, on the advice or intuition.

The first thing that the opener does is all the co-founders or their representatives gather at the notary’s office and sign the company’s charter.
Also, you must write to the charter information about the activities of your future firm, there are free activities, such as design, information technology, and there are not free activities for which you have to prove that you have the right to do this, for example, medical activities.

You can announce the activities you are planning to do. If the company really does something, then you must get a list of licenses, here it is called living-life list. Some “openers” charge extra money for each type of activity, although now one can say any number of free types of activity at a price of 1000 kroons (1500 rubles), as far as I know. That is, you list one activity or five - for a small opener it costs nothing, so keep in mind. With that, attention! According to rumors, the chances of getting a visa increase if you have a living list with the prescribed activities and these activities are not renting real estate, which comes by default!

For the registration of the company, the opener is also obliged to submit to the commercial court a statement on the authorized capital of a bank of 200,000 kroons (~ 300,000 rubles), this service is open to the openers and is more often included in the cost of setting up the company as an additional option (200 euros) . You can deposit half the amount for 100 euros, and report another 100,000 kroons over five years. After registering the company, the opener withdraws this money from the account.

One more thing! According to Czech law, there can be several directors in one firm. All co-founders must be registered in statutory documents as directors! The co-founders are just making failures now!

An important point! Some openers may offer you paperwork services with a guarantee of getting a visa. This is a divorce, no one can guarantee anything! Warranty can only be in the proper paperwork. Because according to the law, they cannot refuse you if everything is all right!

Entry to the consulate

Now we are waiting for the decision of the commercial court to register your company, this process takes on average a month.
As soon as the documents are ready and your company is registered, you must register for the queue in the Czech consulate nearest to you. In Russia, the Czech consulate is in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Yekaterinburg. Moreover, writing to the queue is a separate and very important story, because how to reach the consulate is a whole task, it is always busy there, some openers are recorded to Moscow for some 200-250 euros themselves. Russian citizens can be served not only in Russia, but also abroad. In Russian, the consuls speak in the Baltics, for example. In English almost everywhere in Europe. The queue is smaller there, for example, but it takes extra money and time for two trips there.

After you have signed up, you are waiting for your sacred day and visa documents.

Documents include, in addition to the registration of the company, a rented address for the company in the Czech Republic. Also your registration in the Czech Republic and a completed application form. Do not worry, you do not need to rent anything! Addresses of residence and rental companies will provide you with a can opener, and documents for registration for a year cost some money - 350 - 500 euros per person. In fact, it is cheaper, but you will not check this, and do not decide anything from Russia anyway.

Here there are some nuances! These rental and residence documents are the most common reason for refusal, because unscrupulous openers, to make you more money, buy cheap addresses, which contain 100 guest distributors from Moldova and Vietnam or the address of a firm that rents 30 20 square firms each. meters At what you yourself do not check how many people there really spelled out, and in this matter you can only trust the "opener", which means by hook or by crook to convince the opener that you are a rich businessman who will buy five apartments through them on arrival!

Also, you will need to put money on the card for each co-founder of the company in the bank and take extracts in the amount of at least 5000 - 6000 euros. You can easily transfer this money from the account. The more money in the account, the better!

Before applying for a visa, during the registration of your company it is worth going to the Czech Republic in order to explore the area where you are registered and where you rent an office. Later it will be useful to you. Do not expect to receive a business visa if your passport is not worth a Czech tour visa!

Apply for a visa

So, the documents are ready, the hour has arrived! You are at the consulate!

In the consulate you will be tortured for the seriousness of your intentions and it depends on your answers whether they will give you a visa or not. So you need to prepare for all possible questions!

1. What is the name of your company? (memorize)

2. Company address? (at what not only the address can be asked, but also what color the house is, what shops are nearby, what trams go, what is the district name, etc.)

3. What are you going to do in the Czech Republic? (here you need to talk with passion, about what you will do and how to earn money, preferably with how much investment you will come to the Czech Republic. These words should correspond to those activities that you performed in the charter and the living book list. You can also ask about the experience work in these areas)

4. How many people are in the company and what share do you own? (everything is clear)

5. Who helped you open a company in the Czech Republic? Why did you choose the Czech Republic? (it is better if these are friends, but it’s not scary to say the truth, they are aware of the openers)

6. Did you have a firm before? (it would be better and to continue to exist in Russia)

7. How will you lead a company without knowing the language? Who will help you? (self employed manager)

8. Where and by whom do you work at the moment in Russia? (your business, the most correct answer)

9. In what language will you communicate while living in the Czech Republic? (English, learn Czech)

10. Do you plan in the future to include in your company, as founders, members of your family? (not!)

These are approximate questions, there may be a lot more. Now they even ask questions about the political structure of the Czech Republic and the European Union. So get ready as well as possible! You should also give the impression of a businessman, if you come in a T-shirt and pants with pockets, I think you will be denied a visa. And one more thing, it is better not to show that you want to go to the Czech Republic at any cost! You are a businessman in the first place and you are pragmatically interested in money! It is important!

Everything, interview has ended, documents are handed over. Now it remains only to trust in the Lord, to pray and wait! If you did everything correctly, there will be no reason for refusal and you will receive your first annual business visa within a maximum of four months. When inserting a visa, do not forget to arrange insurance for the term of the visa, covering medical expenses of 30,000 euros. Good luck!

Next time I will talk about what ways it is worth perezzhat, what to do on arrival, what kind of beer to drink, who to be friends with, about girls and first impressions! And most importantly, I will describe what I and my acquaintances do not like here, in order to throw off rose-colored glasses from some impulsive migrants!

For now, Ahoj! See you live!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57693/

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