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Perfect smartphone. Thoughts in the course of life

I study everything on myself the features of mobile technology and came to certain conclusions.
What would I personally like from a smartphone, what attracts me to this or that novelty in this market? What I am looking for and do not find it yet.
Under the cut - a lot of letters, a couple of questions and not a single ready-made solution, just dreams. If you have something to say about this - welcome. Dream together)))

I have already found out for myself that many modern smartphones / communicators do not suit me. Some models just tested for work for several days, with some went for some time, and then sold. But he never became a fan of any single platform.

1. I do not like the design.

For some reason, manufacturers believe that if they included a bunch of functions in the device, then their device should look solid, like a brick, or at least a bar. Not all, but many communicators suffer from this. From the devices I have seen in recent years, I liked several models:
HTC S620 aka Excalibur
I-mate smartflip aka HTC StarTack etc.
Iphone 2g
This, in fact, the list ends ...

2. I do not like the OS.

It's harder here. Not that I didn’t like all the OSes right, but none of the ones I’ve seen completely suits me.
Winda, especially the SE version (Smartphone Edition), is terribly inconvenient, there is no single place where you can find all existing applications for the system. Requires ActiveSync to connect to a computer. Yes, I know that there is a website hpc.ru, where you can find a lot of software. But it’s difficult to call a centralized place. Yes, I know that there are pribludy connecting device, like a flash drive. But not for all software versions, and in this version the built-in modem does not work. I generally keep quiet about working with the device under Lin.
At first glance, the iPhone OS does not suffer from all these shortcomings, but ... If you have a centralized place to download programs, you need special software to download, plus the inability to work with files without iTunes (specifically, with music, this is a phone player, right ?!) plus the "pleasant" habit of the IPhone to climb on the Internet for various reasons, without asking permission ...
It would seem that Symbian is the way out! Not an exit. Read point 1 - for the last 4 years I have not liked any smartphone. Even the 5800 was a compromise, with a number of complaints (the case is plastic, a side around the screen etc).
And point 2 - there is no centralized "repository" with the programs, many have to search through the authors' sites and find out their performance on a specific device "the hard way."

3. I do not like the "bust with functionality."

Yes, many functions are not always a blessing. I absolutely do not need a GPS - I do not have a car, and somehow I am not inclined to get lost in the city. There has not yet been a case where I could not get along with a regular map and the help of passersby.
I do not need a shit player at all, just like a camera shit - stupid pribluda in the phone, if made "so it was." After all, what happens is that manufacturers “take” not with quality, but quantity, asking for a lot of money for the last bells and whistles, and then, having sold a lot of devices, they begin to refine the software so as not to get buggy. Make you smaller, but better and more convenient for the same money - I will give without hesitation.

Intentionally did not mention G1 and Palm Pre with their Android and WebOS, respectively, since I didn’t have the opportunity to test them, because we don’t officially have them yet.

The conclusions, it would seem, are obvious - use the phone, player, laptop and camera separately.
But I also want to dream !!!

And that's what I planned for myself:
It would be nice to sell 1-2-3 smartphones / communicators of different design and functionality, but ...
... with a basic set of functions in the "zero profile".
Ie, for example, the manufacturer releases the device with the OS and a number of applications that allow you to make calls, send SMS / mail and work on the Internet / use as a modem. Everything, there is a device, say 150-200 dollars. This is for the design, production and development of competent OS.
Next, the manufacturer creates a repository and puts in it "snacks" - programs that extend the functionality of the device. For example, an application with player functions, one more - a PCC reader, another one - readers and so on. Plus - third-party applications.
And each user already chooses how to “sharpen” a device for themselves - whether to buy “additional functions” or use the fact that there are “tricks” for a lower cost, i.e. not overpaying for unnecessary functionality .
Those. This is an ideal IPhone option, but without a significant overpayment for marketing, public relations, etc., and without silly restrictions like “music only from the iTunes store or only through a special synchronizer”.
Vasya wants to make phone calls, play toys and listen to music - please, bought Bolvankofon for 5,000 rubles + bought a prog player and a couple of games. And Vanya is sitting in ICQ, on Twitter, driving a car and running in the morning - please: “Bolvankofon” + IM + cards + stopwatch / calorie counter.
If I don’t know something and there is a similar miracle device, hint, eh ?! )))

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57688/

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