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How to calculate the date of Easter

I was always interested in the question of how the date of Easter is calculated and why it is always different, in contrast to the date of Christmas. Today I found the required material. Maybe others it will also be useful)

Easter Sunday Dates

Year ________ Rec. ________ East.

2008 _____ March 23 _____ April 27
2009 _____ April 12 ____ April 19
2010 __________ April 4
2011 _________ April 24
2012 _____ April 8 _____ April 15
2013 March 31 May 5
2014 __________ April 20
2015 _____ April 5 _____ April 12
2016 ____ March 7 ____ 1 May
2017 __________ April 16
2018 _____ April 1 _____ April 8
2019 _____ April 21 _____ April 28
2020 _____ April 12 _____ April 9

Orthodox Easter is calculated according to the Easter of Alexandria.

Full Moon (Y) = March 21 + [(19 · [Y / 19] + 15) / 30].
where [a / b] is the remainder of dividing a completely a by b.

If the value of Full Moon (Y) <32, then the date of the full moon will be in March;
If the value of Full Moon (Y)> = 32, then you should subtract 31 days, and you get the date in April.
Gauss formula for Easter: [a / b] is the remainder of division;

a = [19 · [Y / 19] + 15) / 30] (for example, [2007/19] = 12, a = [(19 · 12 + 15) / 30] = 3, Full Moon (2007) = March 21 + 3 = March 24)
b = [(2 · [Y / 4] + 4 · [Y / 7] + 6 · a + 6) / 7] (for example, [2007/4] = 3, [2007/7] = 5, so for 2007 b = 1)
If (a + b)> 10, then Easter will be (a + b - 9) of April, Art. style, otherwise - (22 + a + b) March Art. style. We get 22 + 3 + 1 = March 26 (Art. Art.) Or March 26 + 13 = April 8 (n. Art.)

The date of Easter may fall in the period from March 22 to April 25 under Art. style (In the XX — XXI centuries this corresponds to the period from April 4 to May 8 according to the N style). If Easter coincides with the feast of the Annunciation (April 7), then it is called Kiriopaskha (Lord Easter).

Orthodox Christians refer to the miraculous testimony of Easter to the descent of the Holy Fire in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Jerusalem, which takes place on Great Saturday before Orthodox Easter.

The project prazdnik.by writes:

Christian Easter is celebrated in spring, but the day of the celebration is not a specific date, it is determined by the lunar-solar calendar. This day falls on the period from April 7 (March 22) to May 8 (April 25).

To calculate the day of Easter, you can use Easter eggs - special tables that make up the Orthodox Church. The dates of Easter depend on the dates of other holidays, the numbers of which change every year. These are passing holidays: the Ascension of Christ is the fortieth day after Easter, the Trinity (Pentecost) is the fiftieth day after Easter, the Day of the Holy Spirit is the day after the Trinity.

You can independently calculate the time of Easter. In the 18th century, the German mathematician Gauss proposed a formula for determining the day of Easter according to the Gregorian calendar. The calculation is made according to the value of mathematical quantities, indicated (for simplicity) by the letters a, b, c, d, d. Each letter equals the following value:

a - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 19;
b - the remainder of dividing the year number by 4;
in - the remainder of dividing the number of the year by 7;
g - the remainder of dividing by 30 the expression 19a + 15;
d - the remainder of dividing by 7 expressions 2b + 4c + 6g + b.

The found values ​​of “r” and “d” are used for the final solution of the problem.
Easter is celebrated after the day of the vernal equinox and, therefore, falls in March or April.
If the expression g + d will be less than the number 9, this Easter will be in March in the old style, and its day will be equal to 22 + g + + d.

If r + d is more than 9, Easter will be April (old style), and the date of its celebration will be r + d - 9.
When calculating, we should not forget that in 1918 our country switched to a new calendar style, which “overtook” the old style for 13 days. Therefore, you need to add 13 to the calculated number.

2008 - April 27;
2009 - April 19;
2010 - April 4;
2011 - April 24;
2012 - April 15;
2013 - May 5;
2014 - April 20;
2015 - April 12;
2016 - May 1;
2017 - April 16;
2018 - April 8.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57585/

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