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April 17 - Day to fight the tyranny of copyright!

Today, April 17, 2009, as a result of the treacherous bribery of the judicial system of the sovereign state of the Kingdom of Sweden, on the basis of dubious and far-fetched evidence, a shameful decision was fabricated - to sacrifice the interests of 7 billion earthlings, their desire for free access to information for a handful of greedy monopolists of the past century, who wished to receive money from the air, even after the world has ceased to need these services. They took advantage of the fact that during their monopoly they managed to take over most of the achievements of the world musical and cinematographic culture of the 20th century, and now they are trying to regularly extend their rights to it, to ensure guaranteed profit from nothing, keeping their outdated business models for a long time. For decades, contrary to the completely opposite trends of accelerating scientific, technical, social and economic progress, decentralization and diversification of business, torye more clearly manifested every year.

The backwardness of these mediadinozavrov, their hostility to the developing humanity is visible to the naked eye, but on their side is still the law. Unfortunately, the legitimacy of the so-called “copyright” laws is fueled by the myths of the past centuries from the myths that the only way for an author to get a decent reward for his creation is to sell the so-called “publisher” exclusive property rights ”, as statistics show, for pennies, of which then this“ publisher ”, which enjoys monopoly access to expensive equipment and sales channels, makes millions. More precisely, I did. Before the advent of the Internet.
With the spread of the Internet, consumers have received far more convenient ways to receive and listen to music than in the era of dominance of material carriers. The latter in this form have become simply not needed. Yes, sometimes you may need a backup copy of the information you have, but every year the carriers become cheaper for it, and the volume of consumed music, if it grows, is certainly not exponential; so that in order to listen to music, the consumer today performs quite different actions than 20-30 years ago. Publishers with all the millions invested in the entire chain of music distribution from recording studios to CD shops, were on the verge of history, as at one time cab drivers, owners of any production that had gone through the digital revolution, what they considered to be long-term business investments, turned out to be nobody necessary sludge. Profits began to fall inevitably - in developed countries as early as the 1990s, and “publishers” could not help but respond.

They reacted with propaganda on the other hand - they say, consumers, have the same conscience, it’s convenient for you, but the musicians have no shisha ... And for some time this myth kept in the philistine mindset, it even penetrated the cartoons of the odious Disney corporation, the founder of which started with Newspaper sales on the street may turn over in the coffin from the bullying of his “successors” over American (and not only) justice ... But today, the farther away, the more often the voices of musicians sounded, understanding what possibilities the Internet actually brings to them, that tyranny "of Atelier "of creators all go down in history. We remember the Virgin vs. opposition. Mike Oldfield, the call for “piracy” by Robbie Willams, the truth about who the pirates are here, from Courtney Love, the Radiohead initiative, Nine Inch Nails, and the very recent Accident. These are all musicians who started to create even before the advent of MP3, not to mention Last.fm and more advanced channels. Modern novice creators observe this all and no longer agree to give all the "loot" to the greedy intermediary.

This is the real threat to labels. Not in the past, but in the future. We can do without proprietary pops from the past by removing it from our screws and declaring a boycott of all the products of the Big Four. (By the way, a great idea for anti-copter flash mobs is a public bonfire from pop CDs and DVDs, voluntary disposal of non-free informational garbage.) But the music of the future cannot be beaten by them. The turning point came, public opinion is already extremely dissatisfied with the arrogant attempts of the "publishers" to insert a stick in the wheel of history.

Today’s demarche in court, as well as the recent attack of Associated Press and Time Warner on Google for “stealing” the news, is already the agony of copyright. Businesses that have lost revenues are trying to secure them at the expense of the remaining capital, at the expense of legal battles and bribes, but this cannot last for a long time. They lose their strategic resources for the tactical goals of deriban, they don’t want to, and cannot, play under the new rules, and therefore the multi-billion debts, bankruptcies and sale of balances for ridiculous sums, like Polariod, are a natural result for copywriting corporations. And no one by the whole world will save these bankrupts, these are not banks and not strategic branches. All four big labels can disappear even now with all offices, factories, shops and “products”, the world culture will not only suffer from this, but will also accelerate recovery after domination of popsyatina.

What pops harms world culture? What is called “format”. Corporations need a standardized product, which is obtained by a predicted method after the so-called “promotion” of a future so-called “star”, chopped onto easily digestible tracks, some of which are wrapped in a golden wrapper of clips and singles, in general, something that by one appearance calls for “ buy it. Any visibility of the threat to this "buy" from the point of view of the producer is to be eradicated, and the author - to be strictly reprimanded in the style of "know your hearth." Go beyond the landscape format - figs there! To exceed the duration of the tracks - a threat to promotion on the radio, down! Well, if it was just a business, but the pop dictators claim to be “the leadership in art”, “the legislation of world music fashion” ... With real art, this did not lie near, art by definition is something that is not yet fits into the framework of standardization. When the current style is within this framework, it is exhausted, the leadership will take some other. Here we see attempts of endless exploitation of the same primitive themes (the further, the more primitive) for the amusement of an amateur audience. Pops inevitably moves to a dead end, from which she no longer comes, and Music will live forever.

How specifically can you help save the world from copyright tyranny?

1. First of all - do not support the enemy financially. Do not buy CDs and tracks from publishers, seen in raids on the rights of musicians and listeners. Let them choke with them, and the musicians (if they were in the epoch of monopoly had the misfortune to sell themselves to such publishers) can be rewarded and in another way - to attend a concert, to purchase company attributes, etc.

2. Banish copywriting from the information space. Boycott news from the life of "pop stars", not listening to the radio stations where they occupy most of the air, not watching their clips, including not having any connection with their so-called "music", whether it is legal or illegal the laws. The modern economy is an economy of attention; Paying attention to pop, you strengthen the position of the enemy.

3. To popularize technologies that undermine the monopoly of copywriting, as well as the prospects for their development. Display copyright as something that has long lost its perspective and is rapidly becoming obsolete. Promote the idea of ​​a global reform of copyright in the interests of producers, consumers and producers-consumers (prosumers), but not intermediaries, which should be consistent not only with the current state of technology, but also with the entire dynamics of their development. Show the fundamental impracticability of the idea of ​​"copy protection", the vulnerability of copyright as a concept in the era of the information explosion, its fundamental incompatibility with basic human rights. And so, by joint efforts, we will push copywriters to the grave, and the laws on “copyright” alienable and restricting rights - to the web archives.

I propose to declare today April 17 as the International Day against the tyranny of copyright. The copiers won the fight, but they had already lost the war. Time and so works against copywriting, and we can further accelerate this process. Especially since an appeal is already being prepared against the decision of this judgment. In fact, the enemy of copywriting is not TPB, not even the Internet. These are just tools. The enemy of copywriting is all free humanity, and there will not be enough billions to cope with it. One day there will be another court where the surviving heads of the media cartels RIAA, MPAA, IFPI, the big four of EMI, Sony, Universal and Warner will sit in the dock and they will get something more serious than a year in prison and a lemon fine for a brother.

Information wants to be free.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57549/

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