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The theory of innovation of J. Schumpeter and subsequent theories

In the meantime, I continue to put on display for all my brief notes on the subject of an innovative economy. The current article provides an overview of innovation theories. In the future I plan to develop this topic in a few topics.

The first most complete description of innovations was introduced into economics by an Austrian scientist J. A. Schumpeter in his work The Theory of Economic Development. This study begins the classical theory of innovation. According to J. Schumpeter, innovation is not just innovation, but a factor of production. The massive emergence of "new combinations", according to Schumpeter, indicates the beginning of economic recovery. Without using the term “innovation” in this period, Schumpeter replaces it with five “new combinations” of production factors:
  1. The use of new technology, new technological processes or new market supply of production.
  2. Making a new product or a well-known product with new qualities.
  3. The use of new types of raw materials or semi-finished products.
  4. Changes in the organization of production and its material and technical support.
  5. Penetration to a new market.

Schumpeter defines innovation as an economic category: it is a production function that predetermines “quantitative changes in a product taking into account changes in the entire set of factors acting on it. If, instead of a combination of factors, we change the form of the function, we will get an innovation. ” He argues that innovation should be considered only under the conditions of cyclical and dynamic competition of old goods and technologies with new ones that come to replace them. That is, innovation is a new production function that replaces the old one.

After J. Schumpeter, on the basis of research by G. Mensch, M. Kalecki, B. Twiss, and others, “neoclassical” theories of innovation emerged. Famous representatives of this direction evaluate innovations as the “main impulse” of development coming from new consumer goods, new methods of production and transportation, new markets, new organizational forms in the industry. ”At the same time, they take into account the cyclical nature of economic development.

A major contribution to the theory of economic growth under the influence of scientific and technical innovations was made by M. Kalecki. In accordance with its concept, within the limits of the commodity circulation cycle, it is possible to ensure continuous economic growth, however, the impulses that will cause changes in the system of conditions can “take” the economy out of cyclical development and make it “intermittent” in the long term. Innovation is one such impulse. According to M. Kalecki, innovations stimulate economic development, provide in the long run a reduction in the duration of economic downturns and lengthen periods of booms.
Social theory is associated with the priority of human relations in the management of innovation. The main place in it is occupied by the problems of the role of the individual, the level of education, the analysis of socio-psychological and organizational factors. For this theory, the main thing is the selection of a certain group of people as special carriers of innovation.

In modern conditions of development of innovative entrepreneurship, the so-called “acceleration theory” has emerged. Representatives of this theory, based on the theory of long waves N. Kondratiev, consider separately the development of entrepreneurship "according to the Western model" (USA). Western entrepreneurship is developing more rapidly, it is more innovative, bold, risky. In the USA, the process of replacing old branches of the economy with new ones is extremely fast. The highest rates of development are observed in the branches of the “third wave”: computer equipment and technology, software. Over the past five years, the production of computers and office equipment has increased by 26.1%, by 24.9% - computer software, which confirms the conclusions of the acceleration theory about the connection between innovation and entrepreneurship, about the high return on investment in the innovation sector, about the need to adopt policies of state assistance to the innovative development of society.

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This work by Koroteev. Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported License .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57528/

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