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DEMOfall09 - and the startups are not extinct!

demo_logo Somehow, in this bustle and problems, it was forgotten that the traditional conference of startups DEMO, despite the crisis (and just fears, not so much crisis, as dregs in the minds), passed on schedule earlier this year, and, moreover, we can’t say that without success. Of course, there were fewer projects, but this is completely explained by various factors. But let less, yes better - I think you will agree. Next, I will briefly describe what projects were presented and what is their main essence. In more detail you can look at the official site, the benefit of all the performances are available for viewing online. By the way, life goes on, and preparations are already underway for the spring conference, which will take place September 21-23 in San Diego (USA). Perhaps your startup just deserves to go there?

And now more about the projects.

7billion people is a difficult-to-understand project; it deals with both tools for very advanced attendance analysis (in real time), in particular, for e-commerce (MarketMaestro) and generation based on user behavioral responses and preferences for dynamic personalized pages and product offers (WebLegend). The name hints that the company helps to cover the layer of people who are not yet active users and buyers of electronic stores.
Always Innovating - a startup already from the field of material production. Their product - Touch Book is something between a standard netbook and a TabletPC with a touchscreen. Having, in addition to the sensitive screen, a keyboard, the device allows you to work with text documents, mail, etc., and in other cases use a simpler and more convenient touch screen. Pre-orders are already accepted, the price of the device is at $ 299, which is very attractive, in my opinion. From the unusual - the project is based on a number of open solutions, including the iron filling itself ( more here ).

AppZero is a start-up in the field of Cloud Computing, whose solutions allow you to prepare an application in such a way that it is deployed or transferred from one Cloud system to another. That is, we are dealing with application-level virtualization ( VAA , Virtual Application Appliances). In my opinion, the most promising and useful project right now is, by the way, not just at the level of an idea, but quite working .

Asurion Mobile Applications - a company already operating in the mobile application market, in particular, in the field of data protection and backup storage systems, presented its new product, an extended address book, which, not limited to the input information, links your contacts with social networks and t .P. You can try it now .

Avaak introduced the Vue Personal Video Network solution, a set of wireless video cameras that integrate into a whole network and can stream video to any Flash-enabled receiver or via a special web page.

BitGravity - the company's main product - BG Live HD, is claimed to be the first fully HD solution for distributing video in HD quality over the Internet using its own content delivery network (according to statements, at the beginning there is only a 4-second delay before playback, video up to 1080p is supported at 30 frames / sec.) on any Flash - player. Also used for live streaming of HD video (for example, newsgroups or live events of any kind).

Cc: Betty is the original project of an e-mail assistant in the form of an online service , to use which you simply insert the address on the website of the service (in the blind copy field) into letters, and then your letters are automatically processed there, helping them to “intelligently” organize them and parse the attachments and turn them into photo albums (or other actions, depending on the type of application). For example, if there are addresses in the letters, they will be automatically linked to the maps and displayed, events added to the calendar, documents and attachment files conveniently organized for downloading, etc.

Citrix Online , a well-known company on the market, demonstrated its new online project, GoView , designed for creating, processing and publishing various screencasts and other materials based on recording screen actions as a startup. A small client is set up for recording, capturing both the image and the sound, then in a simple editor you can additionally process the received material and publish it on the website.

Coveroo - I would say very “cool” service, which allows you to uniquely personalize your household electronic devices, many of which are perceived as a digital extension of the person (mobile phones, communicators, netbooks, game consoles). To do this, the image you specified is applied to the back surface of the device - either from a catalog, like characters from TV shows or game characters, or any image you create. Judging by the presentations , the company manufactures a new version of the lid of the device, with which you replace the original one (this way you can always bring the device to its original appearance) by applying the desired image using laser engraving.

Document Depository Corporation (DDC) is a service for companies that work closely with documents, while ensuring their safety, traceability and security. In fact, there is some online depository and archive for digital documents, there are also special solutions for legal information and government documents.

Ensembli - to be honest, neither from the description, nor from the presentation, nor from the site is very little that is clear about the service. Only that it is a kind of smart personal aggregator, through which you can collect collections of data for your interests and track them in real time. You simply enter your interest, and the search and aggregation engine of the service gives you a list of news and articles on this topic, allowing you to share them with other users.

Evri - it was hard to understand what the project was doing. It seems to be intended for a kind of expansion of the dimensions of your content, linking it with other relevant materials (in terms of the project - connectors).

Gazaro is your personal assistant in the purchase of various things (so far only electronics). You indicate what you want to buy, and the service using various algorithms calculates the best offer available in your region.

HAM-IT is another e-commerce application and service aimed at delivering information to mobile platforms.

Home-Account - just in the subject service for managing mortgage costs.

HowSimple is a new word (promise) in browsing and content creation. From the description on the site - like a special content viewer, embedded or to replace the browser, without tabs and other modern features, from another description - a system for organizing content and microportals, document integration, etc. While closed beta, it is interesting that the requirements for installation - at least 1 GB of memory, and preferably 2.

Jadoos is a web-based system for organizing and managing your data, communicating and sharing documents between friends and co-workers from any device and at any time.

Kutano is a browser plugin for commenting and discussing any pages (well, and viewing comments from other users). Unlike other similar systems, comments are not attached to a specific URL, but to the page title. This allows you to save comments not only when moving the site, but also displays comments on other pages with similar names.

Loyal2Me - customer loyalty management and tools for doing business in an environment where the main provisions are dictated by consumers to manufacturers and distributors.

Pixetell is an interesting project that extends the usual exchange of electronic messages, adding to it various software features. You can compose a letter with spreadsheets, drawing capabilities, screencasts, etc., and distribute it through existing systems, including regular email, blogs, or wikis. Such yourself interactive messages / applications.

Primal Fusion - it's hard to figure out what is being offered, something like social networks, but for ideas and thoughts ( thought networking ).

Whew, the rest of the projects will be covered in another part of the article

PS Answering the question to the question, which projects I personally liked: Touch Book, AppZero and GoView.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57445/

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