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IT TI Eco Village (in order of utopia)

Some time ago a thought was born in my head.
And I think this thought.
Thought a little funny.
And in general, a utopian thought.
Given the ever-increasing world madness, individual, quite utopian at first glance, ideas can acquire the right to exercise.
And it seems to me that this thought-idea can also acquire the right to exercise.
And now on the topic.

Theme is called

IT TI ECO village.
I will describe the idea briefly, so as not to bore readers.

The idea is to enable HGAM (programmers, web designers and other freelancers) to live and create in the "nature bosom".
To do this, you need to create - rent something like a camp site, a pioneer camp, a holiday home outside the cities.
That there would be the minimum (maximum?) Convenience.
Separate (common?) Rooms.
And, most importantly, access to the network.
Maybe a server.
for those who come let's say by car with a camping trailer or to work let's say on the beach near the house.
The idea is simple in principle.
We thought so (we are I, Dick and Andrew are the editors of this blog)
For starters, you can throw off at 200 bucks.
If you recruit 100 people, get $ 20,000.
Today, for this money in our blessed Latvia (glory to Krayzis!) You can buy 3-4 hectares of land in the region of 50-100 km from Riga. With a farmhouse and electricity.
With the calculation that it would be possible to come there in the summer and relax without interruption from the Internet

At the second stage, you can build a hotel.
And if the Lord Jehovah allows it, then at the third stage, an eco settlement may appear around this EYTO settlement ...

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57381/

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