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Electric car: Green sprouts of the future

Known for its national car “Proton”, which at one time beat record sales in the UK and even shipped to distant Russia, Malaysia has never been among the automobile “great powers”. This situation can, however, quickly change: the electric car created here after a sensational run rightly claims to be included in the Guinness Book of Records.
The car with a strange, at first glance, the name "M-e-Victory" ...
... passed without reloading and stopping 524 kilometers, which is no one in the world an unsurpassed achievement for electric vehicles, said Say Xiping, Chief Technology Specialist at the company that created the unique car, on Wednesday.

In addition, Em-e-Victory has become the world's first all-electric hybrid vehicle. Finally, it is the only one that makes it possible to recharge metal fuel cells with their replacement in just a few minutes.
Created on the basis of "Honda Insight" electric car looks no different from a serial car. However, Malaysian engineers have replaced the air pollutant internal combustion engine with environmentally friendly nickel-zinc batteries and air-zinc fuel cell generators.

Electric cars are being developed in many countries, says Dr. Sai. But it usually comes down either to a combination of an internal combustion engine with an electric motor, which does not completely solve environmental problems, or to create cars with a mileage of about a hundred kilometers.
“It's all about the batteries,” explains the agency interlocutor. “Some of them are more powerful and able to impart greater acceleration, but quickly run out, while others guarantee a longer mileage, but do not have enough power.”
In Malaysia, they decided to combine the merits of those and others, putting both varieties on one car.
The result was a record mileage of the world's first fully electric hybrid “M-e-Victory”.
“The solution we propose has another merit,” Dr. Sai emphasizes. - Recharging the batteries of an ordinary electric vehicle requires several hours. But our air-zinc fuel cells are instantly replaced. Moreover, after appropriate processing, they are again ready to work. ”

The developer of "M-e-Victory" is a company with a no less strange name - "Invent-Q". However, riddles with names are solved simply. “M” means Malaysia, “e” means electricity. "Victory" is clear to everyone - "victory". In the same way, “inventory” means “invent,” “Q” hints at “IQ” - the coefficient of mental abilities, and “Jaya” from the Malaysian language translates as “great”.
The Malaysian electric car is capable of reaching a maximum speed of 128 and moving at an average speed of 80 kilometers per hour, passing without reloading over 500 kilometers. Another advantage of it is increased safety - no flammable fuel is used at all in the car.

Invent-Qew Jaya, which is a joint venture specializing in high-tech American e-Vionix and the Malaysian government, is located on Tekhnocrats Street in the newly-built administrative capital of Malaysia, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya. In this “cyber city” there are special benefits for owners of advanced technologies who have decided to use the skilled hands of Malaysians.
“Malaysia is now moving from traditional industrial technologies to more high-tech ones,” explains Dr. Sai. By the way, now the share of nationals of this country among the employees of Invent-Q-Jaya, engaged in research and design work, is no less than 70%.

“Now, in practice, having proved the effectiveness of our offspring, we are developing electric motors for all types of road vehicles - motorcycles, cars and buses,” the agency concludes. - And they should be cheaper than ordinary, gasoline. And that is why I dream about how, in five to ten years, only a transport that does not pollute the air will go along the streets of Cyberjaya and Putrajai. ” –0-

I don’t know what happened next with “Invent-Q-jay” - there were enough other cases. But on the last day of March already this year, the very same national manufacturer, the same national Proton car (its first model can still be seen on the streets) ...
... stated that he would, in conjunction with a Dutch company with the American name "Detroit Electric", produce electric vehicles for the markets of Europe, the USA, China and Southeast Asia.
Detroit Electric intends to produce 270 thousand lithium-battery electric machines by 2012, capable of running without recharging at speeds up to 195 km / h from 180 to 325 kilometers (depending on size), and Proton will earn $ 548 million from this.
So, we have a company that went bankrupt in the United States in 1939, which developed the first electric cars for more than a century (!) Ago, and is now revived in the Netherlands to produce environmentally friendly cars for Asia in Malaysia (including) worth $ 23-33 thousand and in the amount of 40 thousand in the first year ...
"We have the courage to offer people an affordable, practical car for everyday use with zero exhaust," said the CEO of Detroit Electric Holdings Ltd. Albert Lam. “We will be the spark that will bring about change and show people that it’s time.”
This is what I call the green sprouts of the future against the backdrop of the ongoing global crisis.
While almost all governments are engaged in financial masturbation ... stimulation, that is, in full accordance with the precepts of Mr. Bernstein, throw money into the bottomless fire chamber, ...
(By the way, here's another quote: “It seems to me that people spend at least part of this package to stimulate themselves. They probably want to be pampered a little.” Sydney’s brothel manager “How it gets dark” the Australian government’s distribution program of hundreds of dollars to millions of the poorest families and families with children of school (!) age as part of an anti-crisis program to stimulate the economy ( Bloomberg )
... some (like Ms. Merkel, for example - see the epigraph) have retained common sense and continue to not understand why. Honestly, I do not understand this either. And I suspect that, in fact, this is not understood even by the staunch supporters of Mr. Bernstein, who are engaged in this fascinating business only because Mr. Keynes once said that "this is the way it is."
And yet, and yet, green shoots are already hatching here and there.

April 14, 2004 - Mikhail Tsyganov.

PS The material is published with the permission of the author.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57314/

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