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Zend Server Overview

Recently, Zend has released its own web server build, which includes both standard Apache + PHP + MySQL, and various additional packages, such as Zend Optimizer, Zend Debugger, Zend Framework, phpMyAdmin, and many others. Even on Habré was already the announcement . This assembly is called quite logical - Zend Server . It is intended exclusively for PHP.

First you need to understand a couple of questions.
First, this is not an analogue of Denwer and other trimmed builds for developers. Zend Server is designed not only for developers, but also for production servers, and its components have not been cleaned for the sake of reducing the size of the distribution.
The second is Zend Server. Consequently, the emphasis in it goes to the company's products Zend. Expecting that memcached will not be included in the distribution instead of Zend Cache.

There are two branches of Zend Server: regular and Community Edition. Only CE is freely distributed, later it will be discussed exclusively by it.
As expected, on the website of the Zend company we are greeted by a notice:
Zend Server community edition is a free, simple PHP web server that is ideal for running non-critical PHP applications or experimenting with PHP.

We, in fact, are just experimenting and doing it, so we boldly move on.


Installation under windows takes place with the help of a wizard that allows you to select the necessary components for installation. The installation distribution, despite being almost 50 megabytes in size, downloads some components from the Internet (for example, phpMyAdmin, Zend Framework extras and Dojo). We will also be offered to install the latest version of Apache or configure the already installed IIS.
Under linux, Zend Server is installed via the console. We will not dwell on this - Linuxers themselves know what and how to do.
Also installed will be the Zend Controller utility, which hangs in the tray and can do anything useful. We will dwell on it later.
After installation, enter the URL localhost / ZendServer and get into the web server management interface. Installation completed.

Web interface

Here we have a full Ajax-amenities panel for monitoring and server management. You can log in through the browser at the URL localhost / ZendServer .
We have three tabs:


We can easily and easily view PHPInfo, read the logs and see the versions of the installed services and their status:

Server settings


Of course, all the components of Zend Server will be used simultaneously in quite rare cases. To conserve resources, unused components should be disabled. This can be done very simply and conveniently:


Here we see a complete list of all installed PHP extensions. They can be turned on, off, edit their parameters and read brief information about them. Everything is very beautiful, glamorous and comfortable.


In this section, we can edit the PHP configuration without plunging into php.ini. Not only is there fertilizer filters for extensions, but also the ability to display only "popular" parameters. I wonder how they determined the popularity of the parameters?


Here, as you would expect, the Zend Debugger settings are located.


On this tab, we see only the form for changing the root-password. I think, over time, it will be supplemented with functionality.

Who cares - GUI Zend Server is made using Zend Framework. Inside, you can even find a set of self-written components Zwas, I recommend to familiarize.

Zend controller

The Zend Controller utility is constantly hanging in the tray and does nothing good. Its only practical application is the benchmark test of any site. Enter the URL and see how many requests / sec the site can accept.


So, is it advisable to use Zend Server?


As a result, we have a good ratio: 6 pluses and only 2 minuses. To use or not - you decide. Personally, next time I’ll remember him when I need Zend Optimizer or some other product from the assembly.

Thank you for your attention, all the best.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57296/

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