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Ahoj! From Prague with love!

Many people in our vast country unfortunately sooner or later face thoughts of immigration. These thoughts came to me a couple of years ago in the end. Someone has no opportunity, someone finds good reasons not to leave, someone is tired or does not want to change anything in life. To my surprise, I found in myself the strength and ability to try myself as an immigrant. And that's what comes out of it, I'll tell you now ...

The reasons for this step, I seem to be banal as with all those who knocked down. The main ones are probably the practical absence in Russia of such concepts as social sphere, ecology, cleanliness of streets, infrastructure, upbringing, freedom, and so on. I have long analyzed the globe in search of a better place and found such a place in the Czech Republic. Why not Canada, Australia, India, Thailand, USA, for example ?! Trite - far away! Having gone there, you cut yourself off from the existing reality for a very long time. Only Europe remains, and at the moment the easiest way to get there is to open a business in the Czech Republic. That is comparable in money with the monthly salary of a designer in Moscow.

I’ll omit a long story about how to get a residence permit in the Czech Republic, because it’s not so interesting, plus you can easily recognize it on request at Yandex, and proceed to the description of how everything works from the inside, especially how things are working and with the Internet . Firstly, it is very important to emphasize that in the whole Czech Republic people live less than in Moscow and the main IT companies are concentrated in Prague, of course. Prague is far from being a Silicon Valley and local programmers and designers are not famous worldwide, unfortunately. However, there is one of the most powerful font schools in the world, which I will discuss in another article. There are offices such companies as Microsoft, IBM, Cisco, Monster and many other giants, in which a lot of our compatriots work, as well as brothers of Ukrainians and Belarusians, and in which there is enough knowledge of only English and talent for work. Almost all the leading network agencies are also present in the narrow and small market.
Microsoft office

Silicone district of Prague offices

However, for example, the Czech Internet for the most part is a rather pitiful sight and somewhat resembles the Runet of the 2000 model. With all this, the percentage of Internet penetration is quite high, about 50 - 60% of the citizens of the country somehow use the network. This happens because the country is small in the first place, the second reason, in my opinion, is a poor middle class, which is not ready to invest in something serious, plus the general clownness of the Czechs, in principle, to everything, including information technology. That is, the Internet for the Czech is something practical, for example, e-commerce is really developed here.

Enough typical Czech online store www.entershop.cz

The main resource of the Czech Republic is Seznam.cz , which is rumored to have tried to buy Google for a billion dollars . Why does Google need this small-scale search engine, and even for such money, rumors are silent, but you can really admit that Seznam is a very interesting resource in which the Czechs have put their hearts and minds in between beer trips. On Seznam.cz, everything can really, besides the usual search and news aggregator, the portal is divided into separate services with its unique domain name, for example, www.sauto.cz you can find or sell a car, and on www.sbazar.cz you can buy a used car. a bicycle, on www.sreality.cz real estate transactions take place, with all the objects being real, and all with photos, and most importantly with a real price, this also applies to rented premises. I would also like to dwell on www.mapy.cz - a very convenient map, built on the basis of a Google map, includes almost all tourist facilities, such as cafes, hotels, attractions, as well as transport stops, traffic lights, driving directions, in addition to In total, we can calculate the route from any bus stop, except that you will draw a traffic pattern, you will also know the timetable of transport and the time you will spend on the way, since all transport in the Czech Republic runs strictly according to schedule, this applies to tra vaev and buses and the subway. Very convenient, you can schedule meetings. With the rest of the services can be found here .

In general, in Czech on the Internet you can find all or almost all, for example, I discovered, not without surprise, that all copies of documents with my paintings were freely available at registration of a company. I can also find out all the information about the person with whom I plan to conclude an agreement, just by the name of his company, this can be done on the website of the Ministry of Justice www.justice.cz , all copies of documents in free download, and up to the address of his registration and the number of co-founders with the names and the same registration, but this is possible only with someone who is a member of the legal entity. faces.

Next time I will write about Czech design, the crisis and the largest players in the web development market, if you are interested. In the meantime, let me leave! See you again on the air! Ahoj!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57243/

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