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Steve Ballmer

I dare to continue the pesbarbos started
First a few photos, after - the text.



5th Avenue, Rockerfeller Center

Scott McNealy and Steve Ballmer, 2004


Steven Anthony Ballmer, Microsoft’s CEO since January 2000, was born on March 24, 1956 in the suburb of Detroit. He has a sister Rachel. Married to Connie Snyder (Connie Snyder, works at Microsofft), three children.

Ballmer grew up in an immigrant family - his father Frederick (Hans Friedrich) Ballmer, left Switzerland before World War II. In the United States he got a job as a worker at the Ford Motor Company plant, and he was promoted to manager. Mother Beatrice Ballmer, was born in Detroit, in the family of a Belarusian Jew Shlomo (Samuel) Dvorkin, who came to America at the beginning of the 20th century from the small town of Pinsk (Belarus) and was engaged in the sale of spare parts from old cars.

Irving Dworkin, Uncle Balmer, finds a great resemblance between his nephew and his father: “My father is from a country with an ancient history - Russia,” he continues his story. - When he became a pensioner, he loved to wander through the cemetery of abandoned cars and seek out some details on his own understandable principle. Will pick up, for example, any leaky wheel, the red price to which 50 cents, will repair and sell for 5 dollars. And it gave him more satisfaction than if someone just gave him $ 50. My father loved the very spirit of the business. He liked the hustle and bustle of a business person. Perhaps this is exactly why Steve idolized his grandfather.


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At Harvard, Steve Ballmer was the captain of the university's American football team, wrote Harvard Crimson and the Harvard Advocate university magazine and, among other things, met Bill Gates (William Henry Gates III), Steve and Bill lived in adjacent rooms.

After graduating from Harvard, he worked as a deputy manager responsible for the production and sales of products at Procter & Gamble Co.

In June 1980, he became the 24th employee at Microsoft, position - manager. In 1998, he was appointed president of the company, and in 2000, he became CEO.

According to Forbes.com, on 03/11/09, Balmer’s state is equal to $ 11 billion, which makes him 29 in the list of the richest people in the world. Ballmer was the first billionaire in the world to earn his fortune exclusively “on wages”, without being either the company's founder or any of the founder's relatives, wikipedia is surprised to note. Most of the state of Ballmer - option securities, currently - 3.85% of the total number of Microsoft shares.

Balmer - workaholic

By his own admission, the current CEO of Microsoft, Nikolay Ziminiy writes from Itogov, his working day begins at 7:30 in the morning and ends not earlier than midnight.

This is what Ballmer himself says: “I am keeping a spreadsheet in Excel, where my time is written. I distribute how many hours I use for meetings with customers, with employees, etc. And I very carefully follow the schedule. A person must have a schedule. So I am very disciplined. My friends consider me a bit obsessed with this spreadsheet, but for me it is very important. I read all my personal mail. I don't have an assistant for this. If you send me a letter, I will read it myself. I can not promise that today. But be sure to read.

Balmer showman

At the same time, every appearance of Ballmer in public turns into an eccentric performance, and his “extravagant manner of communicating the situation to the audience, be it a crowded conference or a narrow meeting” has already become the hallmark of Microsoft.

Ballmer is able to tirelessly ride around on the catwalk, dance and gesticulate, shouting out “Developers! Developers !!!” / and the evidence of these his feats on the net does not count.

The audience at Ballmer no less eccentric than himself. One Hungarian young man from Budapest threw Ballmer with eggs ( here the game with a link to the original feat of the young man).


Ballmer and the guy from HomeServerHacks.com (the story is here ), 2009

Eccentricity and lack of restraint easily coexist in the character of Ballmer with "the rigidity of a manager and the exactingness of a real leader." Steve Ballmer always knows what to say and says it so convincingly that it is impossible not to believe him.


When the creators of Linux said that they offered their OS completely free of charge to any user, Ballmer was brief : “Linux is cancer ..”

When microsoft had to fire five thousand people, Ballmer admitted: “We were not invulnerable before the crisis,” and a little later, speaking at the GSMA Mobile World Congress, stated that “There will be no fundamental crisis. The economy will not stop. ”

Ballmer walked through Apple, saying that the iPhone has no future, "but there is only a circle of admirers, but in general, we and Google have developed much more viable operating systems."

Microsoft’s eloquence of Microsoft’s CEO was fully manifested at the MIX technology conference held in Las Vegas in March 2008, one of the three main speakers was Guy Kawasaki, an amazing person and an evangelist from Apple, who organized a real circus " according to Anton Nosik.


Petr Didenko, an expert on technologies of the Microsoft representative office in Russia, who was watching live with the Spout, i.e. straight from the hall, they wished to repeat an incendiary dispute. But already in our Russian expanses.
May 23, 2008 in Moscow, a conference of web developers ReMIX 2008 is held, with Spout trying to replace Kawasaki with it. How it turned out, you can see for yourself - ( video in 5 pieces)

Ballmer sentimental

On October 25, 2007, in spite of "the superhuman employment of the affairs of the company," he traveled with his sister Rachel to Pinsk. It was a gift for her 50th birthday. ( The Jewish Bugle )

Ballmer and his sister visited places related to the Jewish history of Pinsk, visited the Museum of Belarusian Polesie, and saw an exhibition of Jewish artists. Taking into account the obscure Pinsky historian Ballmer and his sister, they found the grave of their great-grandfather and the building of the bakery that belonged to their uncle. Having received a special minor and other souvenirs as a gift, Steve and Rachel flew home the same day.


The CEO’s sporting life is also in full swing - he likes to run in the morning, plays golf and basketball. On March 6, 2008, he officially announced his desire to allocate a certain amount for the reconstruction of the KeyArena Stadium in Seattle and to invest $ 300 million in the Seattle SuperSonics (NBA) basketball team.

corvus April 17, 2009, 14:58

... Ballmer at school won several national mathematics competitions and is distinguished by the ability to instantly solve even the most difficult mate in his mind. operations.


You can read the Balmer speech here.

PS I would be grateful if you leave this comment alone

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57223/

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