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How we make content. Practical dialectic

A week later, our blog Hrenovina.net will be 9 months old. During this time, we have gained quite a good popularity and regularly receive feedback, thanks for interesting content. What to confess, what we do, we ourselves like. And we would be happy if this kind of content on the web were more. Today we want to share some techniques for making interesting posts .

Only about interesting

Actually, this blog appeared because we caught sight of too many interesting gizmos, which I wanted to share with admiration of contemplation, but if we started doing it in personal blogs, everything would have drowned in all sorts of funny crap, and personal blogs - not for that. As a result, “Hrenovina.net” turned into a hobby, on which we spend a fair amount of free time.

So, in order for the reader to be interested in reading, it is necessary for the author to be interested in writing. Boredom is visible, it infects and simultaneously repels. If the subject of the description makes you yawn, you should not try to captivate the reader. After all, in the world there is an enormous amount of what can be carried away. You just have to search and select.
And we are looking and choosing.


For many years I have been collecting inscriptions and drawings on the walls and overheard dialogues . This taught us to grab interesting details from the surrounding reality . Here, just yesterday I saw a huge plastic swastika in an ordinary newsstand. Is this a topic for an entertainment blog? Even some!

We fix

And in December, in the subway, I noticed a woman with a “witch board”. Fortunately, there was a video camera in my pocket (by the way, it is always useful to carry a video camera, camera and voice recorder with you ; or at least a mobile phone with a camera). As a result, a review of "witch boards" with its own video plot was born.


The ability to ask questions is a great helper in finding topics. For example, we see an advertisement in a stall - "Twisting rings with a prayer." We ask ourselves the question: “Why are they spinning?” In an attempt to find an answer, a lot of material is born.

Or, let's say, we see that all the Santes blogs of the RuNet suddenly wrote about the discovery of the hottest exoplanets. Subject interesting? Yes. But why write about it again when everyone has already written? There is no need. We read attentively what others have written, and ask ourselves: “Well, they opened it and another bunch of planets were discovered only this year. But how did they do it? And what ? ”Go look for answers. We find .


When you write about unusual things, it is logical to pay attention to the messages that appear on the Internet about all sorts of “very-very” things. But if there is something biggest in its class, then there is less. And if this is the most interesting thing, not only because it is the largest, you should look for information about other representatives of this type of objects. For example, we see a mention of the largest water bridge in Europe . Immediately we think: “The water bridge is in itself an interesting construction. Let's look for something about water bridges in general. ” We search using extended definitions, synonyms, neighbors in the semantic field and translations of terms of interest into other languages. The result is a spectacular overview of water bridges .

Extrapolate can be for other reasons. For example, by time. So, if we find mention of the release of square eggs in the United States in the fifties of our century, we logically assume that this story could have continued in time. In any case, we will definitely see how things are with square eggs these days. And at the same time we will check that it has occurred to the person to decorate something else from traditionally non-square products.

Remember Babylon

As we know from the Bible, the Lord confused the languages ​​of the people, and therefore, besides Russian, there are all sorts of wrong adverbs. Unfortunately, in Russian you can find far from everything. The http protocol is also not the only one in the world. This must be remembered. That is, for example, we are writing material about the Codex Serafianianus and want to put a video with Philip DeCoufle's “Tricodex” as a bonus. But the network is not there. Search in Google, Yandex, on torrent trackers, in the search line emule, etc. for keywords written in Cyrillic and Latin, did not give anything. But we remember that there are other languages, right? What are we doing? We go to the Chinese search engine baidu.com and search there in Latin first. This helps us figure out how to write the word you are looking for with hieroglyphs. After we drive these hieroglyphs into the search box and the “ed2k: //” prefix. Find the desired link. True, the complete source was not online for a week. Well, let's wait. Waiting is rewarded - we have the required ballet, we complement our review with it. Well, and so on. For English, Spanish, French keywords, you should always search. If we are looking for something Greek, it is logical to type phrases in Greek into the search engine. And not only in Google, but also in some Greek search engine.

We use cultural background for bonuses and podvorstok

There are no isolated concepts. Any thing is connected in thousands of relationships with thousands of other things . For almost any reason, you can remember something, add something. Are we writing about Maggi dice ? It is a sin not to remember that Mayakovsky and Gumilyov wrote poems about them. And once remembered - we give at least excerpts from them. See a photo of a toy bus for a ride on a vinyl record ? Immediately we recall that such a bus was in the same freaky cartoon “Pilot” studio, and we are going to look for this cartoon. In the end, we see the Eee Keyboard PC - remember the BK-0010 . You can tell a joke about , recall a folk or literary tale , pop song . If you figure out how it is logical to weave into the story - everything will go "to the cashier." People love being entertained. And do not be afraid to overload the reader. Anyone who does not need all this, just look at the picture, read the bold name of the described thing and go on. But the rest will read everything, follow the links, they will feel that they now know more than before, and will connect this new knowledge with your site. Your site will cause them pleasant associations.

We exploit different types of perception

Someone better perceives letters, someone images. Therefore, in each post we put at least one picture . Video and sound bites, with which we supplement posts from time to time, help to grab audials and those who are caught by a moving picture.

We invest time and effort

It is difficult to do something volumetric and / or deep every day. But sometimes it is necessary. It takes time and effort. And if we want to be read, so that we have truly unique content, we don’t need time or energy to spare . You see, it will take a week to create a large overview - do not try to make it in a day. You feel that a month is needed for a high-quality completion - do not crumple everything quickly at the end of the first week. The reader will not run away. On the contrary, in a month on the Internet people will only be more. Here, for example, the creation of this review (including the search and purchase of the surveyed material) - hrenovina.net/2274 - took us a week, and this (with the purchase, cooking, shooting, video processing) - almost hrenovina.net/2324 two months.


Many people like it when the hero turns to the camera in the movie and says: “What have we just done? We just ... Why? And so after all everyone saw what was happening on the screen? Because people love when they explain to them. So they feel cared for. And do not feel fools. After all, if a person does not understand something and this is something not explained, he can decide that there is no explanation because everything is clear to everyone else. “Damn,” he thinks, “everyone who goes to this site knows this, but I don’t?” Damn, I'm a fool. ” It will be unpleasant for him, and he will not come to this site anymore. And if the explanation gets ahead of his question, he simply reads it (if he wants) and feels smarter. That is why, for example, in a post about cute designer plates, we explain what amorphous metal is. And in order to finish the post about Bunyakovsky's self-computations , which we wanted to do solely for the sake of the picture (these self-counters look very cool), we had to get to the bottom of the addendum to the Young Technician for 1974. Because we foresaw the reader’s question: “How does it work?” And they didn’t know how to answer it. Find a detailed answer was quite difficult. But the post turned out to be interesting. And the readers felt the care.

Of course, it is not always possible to predict where the reader will have questions. There are comments for this. And if the commentary contains a specific question, and we know how to answer it, we do it. And it is pleasant to the questioner, and the material becomes fuller.

We use kopakking

Marketers and merchandisers call marketing a copacking event when two or more different products are put in one package. Like, they stick nuts to beer, a sampler of a new shampoo to a bottle of old, etc. We use the well-known Wordpress plugin that produces similar posts. He does this using tags (tags). The paths of human associations, however, are much more complicated than the algorithm of any plug-in. Therefore, sometimes we simply give a link to one or several earlier entries in the new entry , which in one way or another complement the new one. This solves, in addition to creating a more complete information picture, and one more task. It is no secret that the fate of almost any successful recording is to disperse across the network in a variety of copy-paste. And copypasters are not always inclined to put a link to the source material. And if you, for example, tape.ru, then you probably do not care. But we have an average daily visit, while around thousands of unique hosts. This is not enough, we want more, and therefore, of course, we love when we are referred to. Knowing that copypasters often pull the post entirely in the view mode, by linking to one of our own posts (or parallel to our own project), we increase the possibility of external links to us. Of course, this is not done in every record. We, as a rule, know in advance which record will be dragged especially hard. Experience suggests.

We check information

When you write about all sorts of oddities, you constantly run the risk of running into fabrications, fakes, and just trying to betray the lack of information as inexplicable. Therefore, if there is any doubt, the information is better to check. For example, when we were preparing material about tree houses , we came across suitable material in Ogonyok , but the style of the story and the signature seemed too playful to us. And the publication date is not far from the first of April. Of course, we really wanted to have at least something from this text turned out to be true, but alas. With the last hope, we turned to a familiar employee of Ogonyok - he confirmed our doubts: the text turned out to be a joke. No matter how sorry. At another time, when many Russian sources told about violinist Marie Kimura, who, they say, takes lower notes on a violin than on just open strings, and no one, they say, knows how she does it. We doubted that no one knows. A good question would be whether there is a God, for example. And here - the violinist here, the violin, too, take it and explore. Someone probably already, if not herself. They looked in English-speaking resources - it turned out that the statement “no one knows” is from the category of the desire for an inexplicable mystery. They know .

Here are briefly a few basic techniques for creating interesting content. In different blogs, there are often articles like "What to do to attract visitors to the blog." About any purchase links, promises to earn money, etc. In fact, if you do like this, as I described in this post, nothing will be needed. Visitors will come to you themselves, and then they will give you links, tell friends about you, etc. It is clear that I did not tell about everything. I dropped something as unimportant, I just didn’t remember something today, I hid something intentionally (as know-how). But this is enough to get an idea of ​​how to work on content. Hope was helpful. Thank.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57090/

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