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Emotional intelligence

It is already difficult to find a website and a specialist in the field of management who do not talk about the importance of emotional intelligence in relation to project activities. I ask them - and do what? They shrug or start talking about beautiful abstractions and grandiose results. But again I do not understand. Then they say, this is a difficult question, and you should find the right person for your team, he feels it all. And others advise to read Covey or a book about sabzh, then you will understand.

I think you can organize everything easier. The main idea - the potential of the team consists of the mental and emotional efforts of the team. IQ + EQ. If IQ is understandable, then how to pump EQ?

I suggest a simple practice that will begin to pump your emotional intelligence and the intelligence of your team. This practice will serve as a powerful impetus for building true teamwork.
Initial materials for the development of emotional intelligence:


We make a simple corner, which we will then put on the table. From one A4 sheet, 5-6 strips are cut, so we get 5-6 corners from a sheet.


And in the end we get a simulator for emotional intelligence:


That tool is ready.

How it works? Before you do something, you sit down and feel-think:
I FEEL ________, BECAUSE __________

Feelings: JOY, GRACE, FEAR, IRRITATION. Others are unacceptable. It is important to explain to myself why I feel it. It is important to name at least 2 feelings. In "BECAUSE," straining a little I find the reason for my feeling. Understanding the cause, I raise awareness. For only mature individuals have feelings and are aware of the reasons that prompted them. In this way, we raise awareness at both the EQ and IQ levels. And then either put up with the reasons, that is, we hammer into our awareness, or we solve the problem that has arisen :)

Now about the rules. They are simple, like everything efficient and working:

1. Before each activity, tell yourself "I feel ..."
2. Minimum 2 feelings
3. Place corners on the table for others to see.
4. If someone is interested in "why" - to answer honestly.
5. It is forbidden to lie and clean under pressure.

* Activity is when I sat down to code, or when I went to a meeting (I took corners with me and exhibited my emotional status during the meeting).
* Sometimes you can not answer "why" put a corner, but remember, but it does not contribute

I will not disclose the advantages of this approach, but only list the key words of what the practice influences, and you yourself will guess why: motivation, team building, efficiency, knowledge management, team approach, development of emotional intelligence, vision building, process improvement, etc.

Waiting for your feedback on the implementation :)

Read about these and other practices of developing emotional intelligence in the Agile Study Group podcast: Community Reference Study Group .

Ps. The practice is called “Check-in”. That is, I mentally and emotionally enter the work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/57018/

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