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There are no hopeless situations

Most recently, user ilzarka wrote in his blog about an interesting virus blocking Windows:

Let me remind you once again: the virus displays a window with a suggestion to send an SMS to a number to unlock Windows. Ctrl + Alt + Del, Alt + Tab and other combinations that should minimize / close / switch to another program are naturally blocked. Reboot even in safe mode ends with the same window.

I myself came across this virus (I confess, I was sitting without antivirus). My first thought was to boot from a live CD. But I did not have it (I repent again, live-sit always you need to have at hand). Having meditated for five minutes near the computer, I thought that the situation was hopeless. But…

What to do? I tried all the known keyboard shortcuts to get rid of this window lying on top of everything - everything was blocked. I was completely desperate, but remembered the annoying Windows crap that annoyed me when I played Counter Strike. If you hold down the shift for 8 seconds, this window will appear:
I tried it - it works. At least some variety. Hope that there was little sense from her, but I pressed the "parameters" button and began to study all the tabs:
Nothing that could help, I did not find and again fell into despair. I reached for the red cross to close, but I saw a button with a question next to it. Poked into it and pointed to one of the buttons of the settings window, a window came out with the help of:
Right clicking on this yellow square suddenly showed a popup menu. I did not know what it is:
I do not need to copy, but I clicked "print section". Bingo! New window:
Print setup! I wonder how many people used this feature of Windows? At that moment I was madly grateful to Microsoft, because they crammed so much dubious functionality into their operating system. Of course, I did not print the certificate, but I began to thoroughly study the new window. I felt like Sherlock Holmes. After some research, I clicked on the “settings” button and saw a familiar printer setup menu with a bunch of bookmarks:
Sherlock carefully examined every item and again began to despair. What helped out this time? Help again! Clicking the help button, I moved another step towards victory over the virus:
I did not read the interesting texts, I was immediately struck by the standard Windows panel: File, Edit, and so on.
Holding my breath, I clicked File -> Open and here it is, some kind of guide, but:
I wanted to find the desired firefox.exe to read about this virus on the Internet, but again a bummer: this explorer showed only help files, and the “file type” drop-down menu did not offer any other alternatives. Windows helped again. In the drop-down menu to any folder was the item "Explorer", which opened the standard Windows Explorer, bingo!
As a standard explorer, I easily found a browser, googled information on the virus: it turns out to be enough to delete the blocker.exe and blocker.bin files. After removing them with the same explorer, I rebooted and went into Windows normally.

The moral of this story is:
1. Do not neglect the antivirus, go broke on the license, it is not so expensive for home computers.
2. Keep on hand live-sit, and do not wait until the clap of thunder (like me)
3. Naturally do not send any SMS
4. Do not despair, there is a way out :-)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56923/

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