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Railways: Unpleasant surprises

Actually this topic is in addition to this article .
Some people know that it is possible to pay tickets with a credit card not only through the site, but also at the station - through special ATMs of TransCreditBank, right there choosing tickets and entering all the necessary data, without having to stand in queues and communicate with cashiers. Considering that just a month ago I bought a pack of tickets through this ATM and was pleasantly surprised by the existence of such an opportunity, it is not surprising that if there are 200 rubles in my wallet and a bank card, I calmly went to the ATM, inserted a card, entered a PIN code and began to choose yourself a ticket. When I finally entered all the data, the ATM quite grumbled with its entrails and gave me the amount of the payment with the reasonable question: “make a payment?”.
And here it was what was waiting for me about what was said in the title. When I clicked on the payment confirmation and heard strange, repetitive sounds, I first decided that they were issued by my included and lying laptop. But no: the standard error signal windows with an interval of half a second was issued by an ATM. After 30 seconds, he disgustedly spat out a check to me confirming that my money had been withdrawn, and issued a message on the screen that “your card was detained by an ATM, go to your bank”. Discarding emotions about windows-systems installed on ATMs (I still have a strong suspicion that this mistake was not without reason), I can say that:

Actually, the moral of the story is this: use our Russian "Yntyrprize" systems more carefully, citizens. They are still with ease please us with their tricks.

Ps If someone from Habravchan is an employee of Russian Railways or TCB and can say something more specific about ATM software and why a card can be withdrawn, it would be cool :)

Upd # 1 dated 04/15: the Russian Railways ticket was returned to me - extremely quickly and efficiently, in just one approach to the administrator. But TKB with the return of the card still pulls and mumbles something unintelligible.
Upd # 2 from 04/23: Returned the card to the TKB. It looks like this: they call me from TKB, they say that you have three days to come to our branch and pick up the card, otherwise we will cut it and send it to Sberbank. To my remark that I have a train in three hours, and they have been holding the card for two weeks, I was told that “we had a collection today, and we have a right to hold the card for no more than three days, so if you don’t take - contact Sberbank and reissue, ”and did not react to any arguments. I managed to pick up the map before the train, but a brief summary: Sberbank and Russian Railways are great, TKB are rare persons of non-traditional sexual orientation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56882/

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