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Looking for the Real Bill Gates

Continuing photo essay from the past
and an interesting article.

The screen is really blue :)

With Steve Jobs


Gates and Ballmer




He is one of the most famous businessmen in the world.
Hundreds of pages and articles have already been written, about how he dominated the personal computer revolution, and how his followers are now following his course on turning Microsoft into a media and Internet pillar.
But almost nothing is known about him as a person.
What beliefs and values ​​led him, a man who, like all of us, predetermined not only the way we treat computers, but also the world and the people around us.

We will try to take a closer look at one of the most important minds of the digital era.
When Bill Gates was in the sixth grade, his parents decided that he needed the services of a "senior adviser."
He constantly fought with Mary's mother, a rather sociable woman who harbored a deep faith in what he should do what she tells him.
She once called him upstairs to dine from his bedroom in the basement. He stuck there all day, and she had already stopped all attempts to make him clean up there. She called him to dinner, but he did not respond and did not answer.

“What are you doing there, Bill?” She asked sternly on the intercom.

“I think,” he shouted back.

- “Think?”

- “Yes, Mom, I think!” The boy replied ferociously - “Have you ever tried to do this?”.

Gates at the Microsoft Office in Belleville, 1980

The psychologist he was sent to — as Gates himself described it — was “a very cool guy.”
“He gave me books after each session, Freud and others. I was then very much into theoretical psychology, ”he recalls.
After a year of weekly sessions and a whole battery of various tests, the hired “senior adviser” announced to the mother: “You will lose. It will be better for you to try to adapt to the situation, because it will not be possible to gain the upper hand over it ”. “Mary has always been a strong-willed and intelligent woman,” recalls Bill’s father, “But somehow she came to the conclusion that it’s no use competing with him.”

Mary gates

Years later, many computer companies somehow came to the same conclusion.
After he left the walls of Harvard University at the age of 21 to establish Microsoft, William Henry Gates the Third also stubbornly won victory after victory now in the field of operating systems for personal computers.

To be continued…

PS Dear friends! Is it worth publishing a continuation of the article? Is the feed interesting in this form?

based on Time magazine
Also thank user sanchower for providing photos.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56833/

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