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Belarusian military are studying torsion fields

A seminar was held at the Military Academy of Belarus on the use of torsion fields in the defense sector, the official news agency BelTA informs with reference to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of Belarus.

The participants familiarized themselves with the theoretical foundations and informed about the results of experiments conducted in this area. In particular, we are talking about the possibility of using the now known interaction, which manifests itself in the transfer of torsion stresses to a distance. The possibility of creating a generator of torsion fields was also discussed.

The seminar was also attended by leading scientists of Belarus in the field of physics, physical chemistry and representatives of interested departments . ”
B is a week after April 1!

For reference . The scientific community does not accept the results of their research, and is characterized as a pseudoscientific concept based on the free and erroneous interpretation of the Einstein-Cartan theory and some unorthodox solutions of Maxwell's equations. The concept of “torsion fields” has been repeatedly criticized by the RAS Commission for Combating Pseudoscience.

One can only imagine what wonderful and beautiful presentations the “scientists” showed to the Belarusian military.

Here is another fragment from the official report of BelTA .

It is assumed that the speed of torsion waves is many times higher than the speed of light. It is their property to transmit information in an instant over exorbitant distances that opens up new possibilities in the creation of control and communication systems. There are other promising directions for the use of torsion waves in military affairs, such as increasing the hardness of armor.

Currently, interest in torsion fields in scientific circles is growing steadily. The physical nature and the possibility of applied use of this phenomenon are studied not only in Belarus. In Russia, this issue is dealt with by the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Intersectoral Scientific and Technical Center for Venture and Non-traditional Technologies.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56827/

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