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12 innovations FLASH API VKontakte

Created applications now have practical full access to user-content, and their authors have the opportunity to earn.

On earnings, we will dwell on more , as P. Durov writes, “In fact, the application is no different from its own website — either monetize as you like, and receive money in any convenient way.”

Since the system makes all settlements with developers using so-called “votes” through local currency, it is planned to cash “votes”. Judging by the words of Durov, the only thing here is that the “stick in the wheel” is the SIM fraud of MTS - for the votes received by which VKontakte does not receive money. However, the developers say that the possibility of cashing will appear, even if it is necessary to impose restrictions on payments from MTS subscribers.


List of 12 innovations:

Access to social graph and media data. Now applications can work with friends lists, have access to information about user pages, can load and save user photos and audio recordings, create albums. Users themselves determine what information they provide to individual applications.

Mailing notifications. Applications can now send notifications to users who installed them at any time in the form of any text. When a new notification appears, the user will see the counter updates on the left (Applications (1)), and will view all app news in chronological order.

Mailing invitations. Now you can quickly invite each other into your applications using the Invite Friends feature. Notifications apply to all users of the Applications section and will ensure the rapid dissemination of information about quality applications.

100% advertising revenue. From the pages of applications completely disappeared advertising. However, the authors of popular applications have the ability to enable the display of targeted ads on the page of their application and receive 100% of the income from it by instantly replenishing the balance of the application. The ad is updated every 50 seconds and opens up in a new window when you switch.

Access to the domestic economy. Applications open access to the internal payment system VKontakte - voices. Each application, with its own remote server, can perform transactions with votes, safely replenishing or reducing the user account. In this case, the balance of the application itself can be transferred at any time by the author to his personal account.

Full screen mode. The maximum size of applications on the page increased by 25%. Now on the page there is a place for any third-party banners - in case the creator prefers to make money on their display. More importantly, full-screen mode functions, and any application can use the entire screen for its needs.

Spread through the tape activity. The service "My News" now indicates which of the friends have installed this or that application. Application creators can now download an application icon (16x16). In the News and on the personal pages of users, the individual application icon will now be used instead of the standard one.

Change the output order. Users can now change the order of output in the list of applications. The order of withdrawal applies to both the full and short list of applications on the personal pages. Thus, the best applications will now be displayed higher. The entire block "Applications" is now displayed above on the pages of users.

Detailed built-in statistics. Developers have access to information on unique visitors, views, gender, age and geography of users of applications - all in the form of detailed Flash-graphs. Developers can change the level of access to statistics, for example, to make it visible to advertisers.

Subdomains and short addresses. Popular applications now have the ability to register subdomains of the chat.vkontakte.ru type. Standard application addresses now have a shorter look, for example, vkontakte.ru/app1 . Specific copies of applications for individual users vkontakte.ru/app49416_1 ("the city in which there was Pavel Durov")

An infinite number of pages of the application. Now applications can create an infinite number of their own pages using wiki markup. The main wiki page is displayed directly below the application and is practically unlimited in length. The old textual description, which had many limitations, is used to display basic information about the application when searching.

Display information on personal pages. Applications were able at any time from a third-party server to set a short status to the users who connected it. This status is displayed on the user's personal page in the list of applications and is visible to everyone. The opportunity can be used, for example, to display the user's rating in the game or the status in the social application.

a source

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56822/

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