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The web development market - it's time to become transparent!

Last week I published this article on Roem.ru, hoping to convince the participants and developers of the ratings that everyone will benefit from transparency in our industry. The reason was the beginning of the traditional Tagline rating and the revival of the rating rating CMSmagazine.
Unfortunately, the rating organizers and the main market players chose to remain silent.
Therefore, I decided to bring this discussion to Habr. I consider it a great advantage that there is no Alter Ego here, and the specificity of the voting allows you to know the opinion of the community and the audience much more. I understand that there are many regional representatives, freelancers and specialists of narrow profiles of our industry, for whom these ratings are indifferent or cause negative emotions. Therefore, I suggest that all of you look at this article from the point of view of the development of the entire industry. We, as one of the participants in these ratings, are interested in their objectivity and honesty. We believe that high-quality ratings will make our market transparent for potential customers, and this will significantly affect the development of our entire industry.

I believe that both ratings can get along well and complement each other.

CMSmagazine is the best voting tool on Tagline!

Tagline - an annual rating. Every year, market participants are invited to vote for the top ten (most famous) web developer companies in his opinion. That is, for those who have achieved the best results this year. And on the basis of these data the rating is made. The last time we were informed that more than 600 companies participated in this vote.
I can confidently say that we have always had problems when voting on the Tagline, because we did not know whom to vote for. How to determine who achieved what this year? As a rule, all representatives of studios vote for the same companies: either they remember or whom they watch the previous rating and simply copy it when voting. In connection with this, after the publication of the results, there were constantly disputes that someone had not done websites for a long time, or had turned to other services. As a result, the organizers gave us ready-made results that did not reflect the results of work for a particular year.

Now is another matter! Voters had an excellent tool to quickly assess who achieved what and what this year. What do you think this tool is? Of course, CMSmagazine rating! Very comfortably! You look who did what and what this year. You can sort by TIC, by the amount of work, by year, i.e. as you want. You choose a company, you go to its works, you can see their number, you can sort them out by year, you can see what the studio did in 2008. You can see what the rating participants did a year ago. If you wish, the site you are interested in can be opened and viewed at work. For an hour or two, the whole picture is there! I do not care that someone does not participate in the CMSmagazine rating, someone does not publish all the work. This is their problem. Some publish only significant work for them, others - everything. Over the past six months there appeared almost all the studios that used to consider themselves to be above this rating. Some are not only publishing their works there, but are willing to post even those who have long been redone their sites.
It is very convenient to see who and what did this year from previous leaders. No less interesting to see their work for 2007. Yes, we do not see Lebedev and Aktis there. Out of respect for them, those who want can go to their sites and see what they have done. I have not entered yet, but I think that everything is in order. All the others who have something to show are already there.
So it turns out that today for a respected professional community, which will participate in voting on Tagline, the best tool for selecting the most worthy companies for 2008 is the CMSmagazine rating. CMSmagazine can also be used by experts if they have no other priorities besides objectivity.

Pros and cons of existing ratings.

From the point of view of the participant, I believe that today the main competitive advantages of CMSmagazine over Tagline are the correct priorities in the organization of the rating:
1. Objectivity.
2. Transparency
3. Democracy.
For me, as a participant in the rating interested in “fair play,” these factors are the most important! According to the information provided by Tagline about changes in the rules of the rating, it is not yet clear that this year the situation will change fundamentally.

One can argue for a long time about the criteria for the CMSmagazine rating, whether they are correct or incorrect, but it is impossible to blame them for bias and bias. Each participant enters all the information about himself independently, and his place completely depends on his works and their quantity.

From the point of view of a potential customer, CMSmagazine not only provides a list of companies, but also provides a convenient opportunity to see the created websites for each rating member. Unfortunately, Tagline gives a naked list of companies that a potential customer should believe, based on the credibility of the industry community.

Tagline is the first rating, it has more experience and today it is more popular and well-known, but it has a serious competitor with a lot of advantages that only need to be able to convey to our potential customers.

I want to believe that the Tagline group will take into account the criticism that was last year, when they were accused of lack of transparency of the voting results, engagement of individual participants and one developer of the popular CMS. To do this, it is enough to publish in open access the voting results and information from the participants, which will affect the correction factors. I understand that this is the number of employees, turnovers, prizes in competitions, maybe something else. You can immediately notify participants that this data will be open, and last year representatives of Tagline referred to their confidentiality. Ugly, when Tagline receives data from market participants, and only a limited number of participants have access to it!

Unfortunately, we have not yet been fully explained to us how the points will be considered, according to which the places in the rating will be distributed. I wonder when they do it? Before voting or after the results are obtained? In the interests of the rating, do it before launching a vote!

There is a significant advantage over Tagline CMSmagazine - this is the rating by turnover. How not cool, but they did it first.

Rating by turnover (revenue) - there is no other alternative!

Last year Roem.ru discussed the need to create a ranking in terms of turnover. As a result, two ratings were conducted simultaneously, Tagline and Roem.ru. Yuri Synodov did not publish his data, but it’s not too late to do it now. At least, it would be correct to do in relation to those who sent this data.

Tagline published a ranking in terms of turnover, and we saw 42 participants there. I think, despite the fact that the speed indicated by the first ten is very doubtful, this rating is the best and most useful of all that were made by Tagline. Many thanks to them for the first step towards creating a transparent and civilized market. Now it needs to be developed and improved.
I would like to quote here two quotes from Sergey Ryzhikov’s comments, General Director of 1C-Bitrix, to the article “Merry Starts” roem.ru/2009/03/19/vasiliev19032009

“I am sorry that this year the market will not get something adequate. Your comments show that everyone has long needed a good market calculation. But I am sure that the criteria can only be turnover, profit, the number of projects, the number of employees. Of these figures, you can make a major rating. Well, the popularity rating of studios among studios can be somehow additional. ”

“Moreover, I believe that the rating should include both IBS, integrators, web developers and studios ... in general, everyone who does Internet projects. And including optimizers of all kinds should be in the ranking. Then we can talk with you about the market and market analysis.

And rating is not the answer to the question to whom to go to the client. This is customer information for reflection. ”

Golden words, very reasonable, special weight to all this is given by the fact that they were written by one of the most authoritative participants in our market.

The beginning is already there, let's develop and improve it. We saw that developers are ready to provide this data. Let not all, but this is only the beginning! Do we have doubts about their authenticity? Well, considering last year’s experience, let's do it so that turnover (revenue) should be confirmed by official accounting documents.
For example:
1. Those who work under the simplified taxation system must provide a copy of the “Tax return on tax paid in connection with the application of the simplified taxation system”.
2. Those who work in the ordinary tax system must provide a copy of Form No. 2. Income statement. If someone does not want to show profits and losses, he can paint over this data.

Are you afraid that no one will send? Will not confirm? And you do not be afraid, who have something to show, send and confirm. And do not worry that this data will be below our expectations. I do not know the names of the companies in the lower part of the Tagline ranking by turnover, which sent their data in 2008. But to me their momentum seems real. And well done guys, that they were not ashamed of their numbers.
All the talk about someone making sites for black cash, through garbage, barter or doing charity work is talking in favor of those studios who have nothing to show. Now almost any customers demand that everything be done in white, and if someone else does something differently, then this does not change the whole picture.

Now no one understands exactly even the size of the market. How old is he? 100 million or 500 million dollars? How much does it grow or fall?
Imagine how great it will be to compare the turnover on a separate company for this year and for the past. We will immediately see the dynamics of who is developing and how. We will see the dynamics of the market, even if only among those companies that have disclosed their data, but this is already something. You can compare your growth with the growth of the industry. I assure you that in a year we will have data on all significant market players, well, except for one or two. There will be investors who will be able to see promising companies and will want to invest money in them. And if now it does not interest many, take your time, you do not know what your goals and objectives will be in three, five years. The arrival of investors in our market will give an additional impetus to the development of the industry, and thus increase the value of your companies.

I fully support Sergey Ryzhikov, that it is not necessary now to detail the turnover. This will cause only additional disputes and add to the complexity. It will be very difficult to confirm these figures; for many companies, all the works can go by contracts alone. What difference does it make how much they earned by creating websites, supporting, advertising, integrating or “school portals”. The main thing - there is a single indicator for which everything is measured.
Do not worry that there will be a high IMHO VI, IBS or LLC "Promotion". The client himself will understand in whose turnover that reflects.

If one of the divisions of IMHO VI makes websites, even if they are in the ranking, do not care if they indicate other types of income. It's okay that someone did one project and earned more from it than someone on 100 projects. Also, there is nothing wrong with the fact that “Promotion” has sold 1000 deployments of Beatrix, but all their works are very small. Everyone earns as he can. The customer himself will figure out what they specialize in, look at the work, their number, what they did, talk to their managers. And in order that the customer does not spend a lot of time, he needs to have additional information for him along with the rating, on the rating website. Some company interested in him in the rating, here he can see all her works, look at the years, read her description, etc. Over time, everything will fall into place. Rating by turnover will be overgrown with additional information. There will be opportunities to sort by different criteria, as it is now on CMSmagazine. There is only one step left to the intensely discussed studio specialization.
I am sure that when the ratings start collecting these data, there will be a lot of nuances that no one even thinks about right now.

Today, the question is irrelevant: do we need a rating by turnover? He already we have 2008.tagline.ru/rezultati/oborot.html

Question of the year: How to make Tagline and CMSmagazine understandable, transparent and useful for our potential customers and investors?

I think that for this, in 2009, you need to do:
CMSmagazine needs to launch a turnover rating without detail, set the conditions for adding work by companies, increase control over work in the portfolio of rating participants, make the logic of working with its rating for potential customers more understandable.
Tagline urgently needs to become as transparent as possible, to make the main rating in terms of turnover, thereby emphasizing objectivity. Work on new additional functionality, making the rating more democratic with the ability to discuss and speak out to the rating participants.

Dear Sirs, my goal of publishing this article is to make our ratings as transparent, objective and honest as possible, our entire industry will benefit from this. Hope you have the same goals.

I wish you all good luck!
Lerner Eugene

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56815/

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