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Akavita 5.0 beta plus forums has been released

Littering this week Akavita rose from the ashes in all its renewed beauty. In particular, version 5.0 of statistics has been released and a forum on Internet technologies has been launched.

Well, if everything is clear with the update of the statistics system - it’s necessary, then why Fedor needed a forum is not entirely clear.

As far as can be judged, this is all in line with the humanitarian interests of the “Akavita man.”
Fyodor Korolenko - the creator and keeper of Akavita - has always been distinguished by radical views in relation to commercial matters. For example, ignored letters from advertisers who want to place their banners with him. And this time, in response to requests from users of statistics, it is still necessary to notify about periods of service inoperability in advance.

comrades fascists from akavita! Is it really difficult to warn in advance that your statistics will not work so that people can get away from you in advance that you are animals, eh?


CyBeer, Wali!

Well, considering the merits of Fedor to the Belarusian Internet, let us rejoice all over the world with updating Akavita and forget about its temporary inoperability.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/568/

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