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The last step to release is Mandriva Linux 2009 Spring RC2

The last release of the candidate was released before the final release of the final version of the favorite distribution. From delicious, you can now create a flash drive for installation from Mandriva One, work normally in KDE 4.2.2 and Gnome 2.26, and also download the new X.org and kernel 2.6.29.

You can read more on ViKi Mandriva , and you can download it from HERE.

You can also try the update via the Internet (who has a good channel) - you can also read more in ViCi in the release note.
PS I created a new blog, because there is a lot of information and I think it’s worth sharing first-hand with the people.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56782/

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