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Testing VDS. Act II.

A week ago we announced the launch of testing our new service - VDS ! We are pleased to note that testing is in full swing, the service is “combing” and is overgrown with new interesting features. Many have asked us when it will be possible to choose the OS on your own.

So, we present to your attention


New distros

Now our “testers” have the opportunity to install not only CentOS on their VDS. The list is replenished with the following distributions:

- Debian 4.0 Etch
- Ubuntu Server 8.10

New "testers" when placing an order will be able to choose the operating systems they need. We plan to further expand this list. On the way Fedora, openSUSE and Gentoo.

Jabber conference

In addition, we opened a Jabber conference dedicated to VDS!

Anyone can connect to our conference using a jabber client. Conference participants can share with each other their thoughts, "discoveries", consult on a particular occasion regarding testing a new service and much more. Jabber-conference allows its participants to chat live and send instant messages, as in a normal chat. To connect to the conference, you can use our instructions .

Soon we are planning to introduce a number of new features that will make our VDS service as convenient as possible. I would also like to thank our testers and thank them for their suggestions and recommendations sent to the email address vds@sweb.ru. We appreciate you!

For those who want to get an invite

The demand for invites to test VDS exceeds supply. (This is, of course, very nice, we will not hide :) Therefore, in fairness, we decided to give everyone the opportunity to get an invitation for testing with the help of their own mind and ingenuity.

Below are two tasks. Each of them is estimated at one invite. The winner will be the author of the first correct answer.

1) Decipher what is written here:

 % d1% 85% d0% be% d1% 87% d1% 83% 20% d0% b8% d0% bd% d0% b2% d0% b0% d0% b9% d1% 82% 20% d0% b4% d0 % bb% d1% 8f% 20% d0% b2% d0% b4% d1% 81

2) Write the result of the following code:

 .globl main
 .type main, @function
 a: .string "% .5f"
         leal 4 (% esp),% ecx
         andl $ -16,% esp
         pushl -4 (% ecx)
         movl $ -1074790400,% edx
         xorl% eax,% eax
         pushl% ebp
         movl% esp,% ebp
         pushl% ecx
         xorl% ecx,% ecx
         subl $ 20,% esp
         movl% ecx, 8 (% esp)
         movl% edx, 12 (% esp)
         movl% eax, 4 (% esp)
         movl $ 0, (% esp)
         call atan2
         movl $ a, (% esp)
         fstpl 4 (% esp)
         call printf
         addl $ 20,% esp
         popl% ecx
         popl% ebp
         leal -4 (% ecx),% esp

Send your answers with a note “Answer to the task” to vds-invite@sweb.ru.

Good luck!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56778/

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