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JuffEd 0.6.0 release

As they say, “quietly and imperceptibly” a new stable version of my bike came out of the free cross-platform text editor JuffEd.
On Habré, I write about it for the first time, so I will explain what kind of beast it is.

(screenshot from reaferon habraiser ):

The development began purely by chance, as the answer to one comrade in the dispute "yes, damn, it's just impossible to write a Guy in C ++, you will torture everything with your hands, but Delphi ....". As a response, a simple text editor on Qt with the functionality of a la Notepad from WinXR was thrown for half an hour-hour. Then I accidentally saw an example of how code highlighting is done in Qt and fastened purely for the sake of practice. Then I realized that they could already use it, which I started to do. Well, let's go: a feature there, a feature here, a publication on qt-apps.org, features from users ...

I will say in advance: I write mostly for myself, but, apparently, someone else uses it (judging by the number of downloads). And yes, I completely agree with you that with respect to the $ {something} feature (or the set of features $ {some_feature_list}) it loses $ {something to your favorite \ editor} 100%, which, however, does not stop me or the rest, who uses it :)

The main functions repeat the standard set, which is in any decent editor:

There are also some features that exist in many places, but not everywhere:

The editor uses the QScintilla component (the Scintilla port on Qt4), so many features have something in common with other editors using the same component.

Among other changes, version 0.6.0:

All interested persons are invited to express wishes and write bug reports here . Well, or just in the comments to the topic.

UPD: forgotten download link . Binary builds for Debian Lenny and Win32 are available, as well as source code. Packages for Fedora10 and OpenSUSE during the build process. For Arch and Gentoo, it seems to be available in a “standard way” (I don’t know the details, because I have never used either one or the other :)).

UPD2: perezalil archives for Win32 (with dll-Coy mingwm10.dll)

UPD3: Ubuntu-i386 and Debian-amd64 packages have been added (thanks to the Linux user-friends of the respective distributions). Those interested can try to put the second package on Ubuntu-amd64, it will probably get up and work :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56776/

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