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Porn industry as an example for the media business

The Secret Firm Magazine published an excellent interview with a professor of economics from Washington University in St. Louis Michele Boldrin, a famous copyright fighter. In his books and scientific papers, Boldrin argues that copyright is not the engine of progress, but its brake. As an example, he cites the porn industry, in which the copyright is virtually absent.

“We came to the conclusion that the porn industry is a good example of how the world would be without a copyright. Formally, copyright exists in it, but pornographers never really wanted to defend it: the courts too often denied them claims. As a result, in pornography, we got the business organization model that copyright took from cinema , ”says Boldrin. - The porn industry is much more friendly to the consumer than the traditional movie business. The actual abolition of copyright in the industry has made products much more accessible to the customer. When a new porn comes out, it is sold through closed Internet clubs for $ 30-40. Then the film appears on less expensive sites and eventually becomes the public domain. This is good for the buyer! People love pornography and want to consume it. In this respect, it is no different from any other product .

In addition, Boldrin recalls that it was thanks to the porn business that many technical innovations appeared, including streaming video on the Internet, electronic commerce, electronic payment systems, etc. This is clear evidence that the lack of copyright does not at all hinder innovation, but even encourages it.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56762/

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